
Abusive dad and I need to get out

by  |  earlier

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ok here's a quick summary: I'm 14 years old and my parents are divorced and have been since I was 6 months old. Ever since I was 8 my father has been abusive: physicaly, verbaly and emotionaly. last week, I went to Hilton Head with him. He started to yell so I grabed my things and tried to leave. He threw me onto my bed and yelled that I wasn't leaving. I was trying to get to a friends room bscaus her mom works for DSS. I tried to leave several times and all of witch he stopes me. I haven't told my mother And I don't want to go back bc I'm scared of him. My mom took my to a shrink when I was younger and I didn't go to his house for a year, then my mom and grandmom made me go back. My mother claims that she can't do anything to keep mefrom him. I need to get out but I dont know how. Please help. I have to go to his house Thursday. and next Tuesday.




  1. tell your mom. if she doesnt listen tell someone else, a teacher, a hotline if you want i will look one up for you. YOU need to tell someone and dont be scare, I went throught that starting in 6th grade till i was about to turn 18. im 22 now and it still efects me badly even tho its been over for years. I had chances to tell people but didnt because i was scared of chang and getting taken away from my family. My parents were divorced too. I know what its like feel free to e-mail me if you want.  I dont mind talking at all about it and it feels better to know someon believes you and doesnt just want to tell you you are depressed or that pills will make it all better. I was labeled as bi-polar for 4 years because i was happy at my moms and miserable at my dads. no one ever put it together.  

  2. No child should live in fear of any adult. If your mom won't do anything contact the police and ask to speak to child protective services. Be honest and hide nothing that has happened. Have courage, there are adults who are responsible and want to help you. Your father is a bully and bullies need to get taken down a peg in order for them to stop abusing others. Your mother is afraid of him...has probably always been afraid of him so she feels powerless to stop the abuse he's decided to heap on you. Put a stop to this once and for all and let the police handle this pseudo tough guy. This will get better if you act responsibly and tell the truth to the authorities but I fully realize how afraid and uncomfortable you feel right now. Good luck...I'll be thinking of you.

  3. Be honest with your mom and tell her you can't take it anymore.  Tell her what happened and if she doesn't want to do anything about it, then go to the police on your own.  At 14 you are old enough to say when and where you want to see your dad or even if you do.  You have rights don't let anybody walk on them.

  4. at 14, you should have a say so in seeing him or not. You need totell your mother what he is doing, that is reason enough not to go visit him. If she doesn't know what he is doing, she need to now. Make sure you have written everything down that he has down to you. If he even leaves a bruise on you, get out and call the cops. This is child abuse and he needs to be in jail for it. Please tell you mom what is happening. If you can't tell her, please tell another trusted adult. For your safety. I would hate to hear something worse has happened to you.

  5. Here are 2 sites that can give you numbers in your area to call.  But you must not do this if you are just fighting with him.  If he is really abusing you then you call.  This is not a game, once he is reported not only can he go to jail, but social services will be very involved in your life and your family.  Good Luck

  6. omg this is soo serious this is what you should do. for about a week just stay calm do what he says and be nice to him. then he might get your trust. and he might leave you by youself for once. CALL THE POLICE ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY WHEN ITS NOT THERE CALL THE POLICE OGMHLHKDG;SJKH;G CHGF HE COULD GET DRUNK AND KILL YOU THIS IS A LIFE OR DEATH SITUATION!!!


  8. tell your mom. you have to because if  you dont you could get hurt really bad. and dont go over there anymore if he hits you. it really is your choice if you want to go to his house. ok if you want to talk about it message me. ok. il have my myspace URL on the yahoo thing. ok. well. i hope you feel better.

  9. first off. If you haven't told your mother already you problem cant tell her nothing. So tell your guidance councilor or a nurse at the school. What is going on. They will get someone down there quick! They won't even let you go home if you tell them whats going on. Tell them that you are scared and you don't know what to do because you don't know if your mom wants you or not. I'm guessing thats why you haven't told her. but any where better then there. A better life begins when your willing to tell someone. Or tell you friends mom. Talk to her on the phone tell her whats going on. Tell your friend. Ask to see her and talk to her.Some people were born in to a good life other have to make a good life for themselves.

  10. When he's not around call 9-1-1 report him........listen here i seen to many girls die because there fathers, brothers, boyfriends, and even mothers abuse them.........your only 14 and you cant leave his house untill your atleast 18 so the best thing to do is call the police and if that don't work. when your dad isn't home run away from home and when the police catches u just say it because of your dad u ran away.

    i know about this because this is what i went through. am now 17 years old and i only see my dad once a month while he is in jail........he beat so bad i was in the hospital for about 2months. i dont want the same thing happen to get help as fast as you can.

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