
Abusive email from PeterC and Fleetwood Town FC.?

by  |  earlier

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I asked some questions and started getting abusive emails from PeterC and another called Fleetwood Town FC. I wrote back asking what their problem was and why I was being called a Druggie. They are Oil rig workers who feel treatened by me, because I got some positive fedback to questions I posted. These two are obviously jealous inadequate men who want to start a bully campaign, Y/A is not an avenue to bully or intimidate people. Do people think this is right.




  1. We are all supposed to be mature enough to handle differences of opinions in a decent way. Most do, but some can't or won't.

    I have had a few emails that I just ignore.

    It isn't right and the person doing it, knows it's not. I would think bullying and intimidation take over when they don't know how else to win their argument.

  2. why do you think they feel threatened by you ?

    why would such a brainy person such as you assume that !

  3. . Click on their Avatar, and then click the "Block User".

    I do that whenever I get ANY trash talk from Anybody!.

    There are several thousand Yahooers here who behave themselves. Ignore, or BLOCK, the others.

  4. i think theyre the same person cos theyre always on at the same time

    ignore him, he obviously has mental health problems and low self esteem

  5. Now you know why some people keep their info private ...personally i would love to e-mail and IM  people on here especially in America....but unfortunately there are always some saddo's that have to spoil things for others and i can't be bothered with freaks that bully people on-line just for a difference of opinion or because they are too juvenile to read your answers in the right context due to their lack of the brains department..i agree with you wholeheartedly, you are spot on with what you say ...ignore it really is pathetic..!


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