
Abusive relationship with an illegal.?

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By the way I live in Arizona




  1. call ICE! She can also go to a women's shelter to get away from this animal (abusive scum bag, not the fact that he's an illegal alien criminal).

    any man that hits a woman is not a "man" - if he hits her when angry, he might hit the baby. Protect children!

  2. I hate to break it to you but it is in her best interest to move to a different city and hide from him. If it is THAT bad, it would probably be best for her. If he does get deported there is a very good chance that he will just come right back to USA.. and if he takes the child and runs away with him, it would be awfully hard for her to find him in a country where she has probably never been before.

  3. Call immigration in your state and report him,they will come check him out-they take that illegal **** seriously now -AND,no circumstance would make me stay so some male pig could smack me around!

  4. She has to do it...... not you. Without some sort of arrest or police report it will be at the bottom of ICE's list.

    Once he has been charged then she can get everybody involved. From the local PD, child services, the state, womens shelters and such. She can get a restraining order.... even a temporary one. Some of this is the FBI's ball of wax. So if he does take the kid a report would be helpfull.

    I had a neighbor who was illegal and was only arrested once on a domestic violence charge. They deported him.

    That is how abuse works. One person maintaining some sort of power and banking on the fact that another will not have the balls to stand up and go to it. She has to stand up and say enough is enough and use the system.  

  5. You cannot do anything unless she is a willing witness and comes forward..that's how abuse works  

  6. no matter what next time she is being abused by this guy she has to call the police, they will put her in a safe place away from him and he will go directly to jail, she has no reason to hide the bruises she can get an order of protection against him, and he will be so afraid of the law that he will go back to mexico by himself, her son is highly protected as well as her

  7. Call the cops, immigration all who will help. But first, tell her to take her child away from that situation..Go to court if she has too. I mean he is illegal what judge would give him a U.S. citizen's child.  Even better he would be deported. I really hope he gets deported. No woman wants their child taken away especially to another country where she'll likely never see him again. The best of luck to her.

  8. Let her deal with it, its her problem not yours. this is an iraq story.

  9. Call ICE. A lot of times they don't act on reports made by citizens. But if there is crime involved, they take it a little more seriously. Considering her circumstances, I think there's a good chance at getting him deported.

  10. Call child and family services and explain it to them and also call DHS/ICE.  

  11. She needs to do what anyone in an abusive relationship should do

    leave him.

  12. dont do anything they wont deport him like that she needs to be a woman and take her son and flee the situation will only get worse

  13. I vote she get the heck out of there!  Contact one of those agencies that specializes in helping relocate in situations like this.... just moving wont solve it, she will need a complete new identity and even then, still need to keep an eye out!  They will suggest to her what she needs to do with regard to deportation etc.

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