
Abusive son?

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My step-daughter lives with my husband and I, first of all. Lately her grandmother has been telling her about the way her little brother has been behaving. He's 6. Apparently he's been hitting his mom. He whipped her with her cord for her computer, and recently gave her a fat lip. The mother is doing nothing about it.

The boys parents were abusive toward each other during their relationship. He's not around anymore. Shouldn't someone report this so the child can get some help before he starts school in the fall?




  1. You still report it to CPS and they will investigate.  Children being abusive is still abuse and they can recommend councling and psychiatrist visit for the child and parent(s).  There are mental health disorders that can cause a child to be more prone to abusive behaviors like you describe and meds may be needed as well as anger management classes.  If something isn't done now it will progress into much worse but if he gets help now he may have a chance to be better.  I was told when my son became violent (and no his father and I neither one are violent) that there was something off and they finally figured out what was going on and started meds and councling and now he doesn't hit or anything like he use to.

  2. Yes but what she should do is Whip his butt

  3. Report to who? Who would you report this too?

    Its not child abuse - the child is the abuser. So just who would you report this too?

  4. He certainly does need help.  He should be thankful that he isn't my kid, because he would hit me once and he would regret it for just about the rest of his sorry life.

  5. I don't think you should jump into someone else's 6 year old's behavior issues. What you've heard is heresy anyway and you don't know for sure that nothing is being done about it.  Sometimes grandmas like to gossip- I know mine lives for it... this could have been a few seperate incidents that sound like a lot when you put them together. (Unacceptable incidents, of course but something the school will step into if it does continue- it might not.) With all respect, if I were in your shoes I'd mind my own business.

  6. He does not live with you and you are getting into their business WHY???You have no idea about the situation except for some gossipy grandma....let this woman take care of her child and you tend to your life.
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