
Accelerated MBA program or BA then work?

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My school offers an accelerated MBA program where you can get your BA and your MBA in just under 5 years. Many people that I've spoken with however, say that this is a bad idea, and that after my BA I should work for a few years, then pursue my MBA. What say you guys?




  1. do the five year MBA program wityh some good internships...  You would be surprised how heavily Human Resources weighs a masters degree.  Also many companies won't promote you after a certain point unless you get your masters degree.

  2. You should definitely pursue the MBA program.  My husband did it at PSU and is doing very, very well in sales. I was one who got the BA and worked, then went back for my master's.  It took me a significantly longer time to obtain a high paying and satisfying position than my husband.  After talking with many of our friends in the same position, they agree.  Also, for many of them,waiting to get their MBA was more difficult with husbands, wives and children in the picture (as much as they love them)!

  3. Well I think this depends, how prestigious is the MBA program at your school?  For example, if you go to a top school with a top 25 MBA program I say go for it.  If not, I would have to agree with the people who are telling you that this is a bad idea for a couple of reasons.  First, you can get more out of an MBA program if you have real world life experience.  Second, you should always try to get into the best MBA program that you can to get the most bang for your buck.  Seriously, you don't know how many times I've heard people who I am aquainted with who went to third or even second tier schools say that they wish that they had tried harder to get into a more prestigious school.    

    Really think about this before you jump in but I'm sure whatever you decide, it will work out for the best.

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