
Accept apology or keep ignoring him?

by  |  earlier

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Should I keep ignoring him or contact him?

A guy friend of mine and myself had an argument about a month ago. I felt that he manipulated me. Since then he has sent me a letter of apology via snail mail, sent me flowers at work, email and text me to say how sorry he is. Should I keep ignoring him and not respond, or should I acknowledge his efforts? I know he wants me to respond. He is also moving in 2 weeks to another country.




  1. throw him away from your window or burn him alive

  2. you could always accept his apology and then ignore him so that he would leave you alone... or just accept his apology and let it go... you dont want to regret anything once he moves...

    good luck!

  3. I think you should accept apology. It takes courage to apologize and even greater courage to forgive and that helps build good relations as well as improve self. Once we go ahead in our lives, all we have is memories. At least that way, both of you can have pleasant memories.

  4. It depend on ur interest, u can accept his apology dear coz he has been trying to in different ways... u can accept the apology - i think u shud now..! better ya! coz he will b moving after 2 weeks and so he may not b able to apologize!!!  

  5. If it was me, I'd forgive him. He seems to be sorry and making an effort to make it up to you. A month is definately long enough so don't keep on ignoring him, and next time I'm sure he'll think twice about doing anything that could ruin your friendship.

  6. I think the right thing to do would be to thank him for the flowers, accept his heartfelt apology and wish him well in his new life. Simple, sweet and to the point.

  7. Can you accept his apology for what he did or is the friendship irretrievably broken??? That is what you have to ask yourself.  If you can forgive him, go ahead and respond and let him know you accept his apology.  If what he did to you was too far over the line and you do not care to forgive him or ever see him again, keep ignoring him.

    It is all in how much you value the friendship and care for him, versus whatever he did to manipulate and hurt you.  It sounds like he is sincerely sorry and wants forgiveness and to make amends, but the choice is ultimately yours.

  8. It depends on what it is that he did.  If it's one of those things that is so unforgivable than don't respond, but if he's moving to another country and it's something you can forgive him on after all that he has done to say I'm sorry, you need to respond.

  9. If his friendship means anything to you then yes make an effort.  If you don't want to have anything further to do with him then either ignore him or better yet, say you got his message but explain you don't want him to contact you any longer.

  10. i think you should accept his apology and have a great two weeks before he leaves. What are the chances of seeing him again? Even if you don't feel that you want to forgive him, isn't it worth doing so just for the sake of an old friendship to try? It sounds like he has persisted in saying sorry and means it. Have a serious think as to whether the relationship is worth it, has he been there for you before? have a think and then decide! Best of luck!

  11. You should at least acknowledge that he has made a genuine effort to apologize.  You don't want him to go away and leave this hanging.  Just tell him you accept the apology and have a nice time.

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