
Acceptance by the British of a race created by them in the Sub continent?

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With all that goes around in the world about human rights and the british leading in human rights, freedom pf religion etc., I fail to understand that when the British departed India they left behind a complete civilization of people who were never accepted by the indians/pakistanis and then were never also accepted by the british. Why have they turned their backs, it is as difficult to get into England as it is to reach Heaven. Would some one answer Where does the responsibility lie. Hundreds of thousands of people are suffering because of this, in breeding by our colonial masters




  1. How many people are we talking about here? A complete civilisation you say? What 2 million,three million? I hardly think so.

      Maybe instead of hankering for a british passport maybe these people should try & change the injustices and discrimination in their BIRTH country (India/Pakistan)--you yourself say 'they never were accepted'. Why? They were born and raised there with at least one indigenous parent .india was given its Independance back in 1947-that's over 50 years ago,so presumably most of those people married (presumably to other Indians),had their own kids and  some sort of a life! What are your OWN countrymen doing to you to make your life so awful after 50 long years since any of this happened?! you should be asking what is wrong with THEM!

    By your reckoning half the Brits could themselves start asking around for compo/free residency from countries such as France & Scandinavia & Italy because they were invaded and ruled by them in the past (and some of them descend from them too.)

  2. What -or who- in the world are you talking about?  

    1) Responsibility lies in the individual.

    2) Acceptance? India had several thousand years worth of outcastes and low-castes that were never 'accepted' either.  Who is responsible for them?

  3. The English are World-class hypocrites and have been for centuries. The Australian experience also supports this fact. The English have never allowed  human rights to interfere with their proprietary ambitions.

  4. ...At least they can benefit from genetic Hybrid Vigor!

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