
Access: Combo Box in form, page update?

by  |  earlier

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Got a problem here and I guess I'm a little blind; I have a table with much data and I'm trying to make a form display all data new when I change the last name from a dropdown selection in a combo box.

Is there like an event or something like "On Change" where I have to tell it to update all the fields in the form? If so then how?

Thanks in advance




  1. Suppose your unbound combo box is named cboFind, and the key field on the form is named txtKey.

    The row source for the multi-column combo box consists of the key field and a name or two.

    Then create a macro with the following actions and parameter changes:

    GotoControl    Control name: txtKey

    Findrecord      Find What: =[cboFind]

    Now Save (and name) and assign this macro to the After Update event of the combo box.

    When you select a name on the combo box, the form records will change to those of the selected name

    To synchronise the combo box when you change the record using the navigation buttons, create another macro

    SetValue Item: cboFind, Expression: txtKey

    Save (and name) and assign it to the On Current event for the form.

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