
Accident at six flags in Georgia?

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This boy from a church group snuck in to the park jumped over 2 fences with his friend and ran out in front of the batman roller coster. why i dont know its said he lost his hat and went to get it idk, anyways he gets hit, head comes off. should six flags get sued i dont think so. should six flags sue them for down time, whos fault is it. comments question.




  1. The park put up two fences and plenty of signs.  IMHO, they shouldn't be liable as they made a reasonable effort to prevent what insurance terms "an attractive nuisance" (unfenced-in pool, abandoned fridge, open pits).  But they should verify that the fence is not in disrepair and verify that signs are up (trust me, they're internally investigating and deciding if they need to do more -- they probably will after this unfortunate accident).

    I'm sorry it happened, but this was an intentional break-in to someplace with plenty of warnings.

  2. I personally think it's the kid's fault.  There are clear signs posted and he chose to ignore those signs in order to get his hat.  He should've just told a park worker who would've retrieved it at the appropriate time.

  3. It is sad in this case six flags can over come a Darwin Award winner.

    When you ingore 2 set of fences to go after a hat.

    Hopefully that kid is in a better place and we can all learn from his mistake.

  4. I think it's the kid's fault for ignoring posted signs, warnings and fences. Everyone knows you should "secure loose articles" when riding amusement park rides. The ones I feel for are the people who were on the ride when it happened.

  5. I read two articles now that said the kid was on the ground and then jumped up trying to grab the legs of someone on the ride and was decapitated in the process. I don't know that I have seen any reports that say he was in there trying to retrieve anything.

    Imagine what the other kid that snuck in must have been feeling!! He must have just turned and ran when he saw it!

  6. I agree 1000%! All for a hat??

    Let's hope Six Flags doesnt get sued.

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