
Accident without a drivers licence?

by  |  earlier

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I have a drivers licence, but sometimes I just forget to take it/lose it. If I were to get into an accident while I did not have the licence on me, would it be the same thing as not having a licence at all? Would I be given time to find my licence?




  1. Usually you will be give 3 days to bring your drivers license to the nearest police station.

  2. Can say. Like a lot of people asking questions here, you don't say where you are. The police can easily find that you have a license issued to you just from your name and date of birth. You might get a ticket for not being able to present it, but that's not so common. If you got a ticket accusing you of not having a valid license issued to you, you could get that one dismissed by presenting your license to the court. But whether the two charges are different is up to your state.  

  3. You would have a reasonable amount of time to find it (say, a few minutes).

    There is a separate charge for driving without your license in your possession, you may get a ticket for that, even if your license is good.

    This can happen after an accident, or even if you jst get pulled over.

  4. In most aussie states it is an on-the-spot fine for not having your licence, however my brother reckons that if you know your license number that will be sufficient until you have your license in your possession.

    Everyone should know their number anyway.

    It would be less of a hassle for you if you can give them that at least, otherwise they are going to treat you with suspicion.

  5. They would look you up in the system...  However, if no driver's license exists, you could go to jail for driving without a license, especially if someone were injured.  Driving without a license on your person though, is usually a simple infraction and not anything to worry about.  If you have a borrowed license...  then stand by but if everything is legit, then try to remember but don't lose too much sleep over it.

    I pulled over this young lady once who said she was on her way to pick up her sister at a club...  Obviously forgetting what she told me, I asked for her license and she said that her sister had it....  So, I allowed her to go, only to meet her at the club and arrest her sister....  That was a funny and a half... Young sister lost her license and cannot get a license until she is either 21 or 25... not sure which...

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