
Accidental homemade tattoo plz help!?

by  |  earlier

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okay so e and my friends were pretty drunk and well we decided to make ourselves some homemade tattoos when i did mine it was with like a clothes pin and then i put ink on it and left it now its pretty red and the ink is staying like i tried washing it away jus to see if it would stay wat can i do to keep it okay and how long should this stay for? we used lots of rubbing alcohol so its dangerous is this and wt can i do to keep it really clean and not get infected i used regular bal point pen ink plz help!!!




  1. very dangerous, and very stupid. pen ink is nothing like what is used for tattooing, and using a pin, no matter how sterilized, can still give you a pretty nasty infection. wash it several times a day, and put neosporin or something simiar on it to help keep it sterilized... watch for swelling or discoloration and severe itchiness - if you get any of these symptoms you really should go see a doctor. even if your pin was "clean", did you wash your hands? how clean was the room? there are so many factors that can introduce an infection....

    this is one reason why i think alcohol should be illegal...

  2. It could end up permanent- my friend has permanent homemade tattoos from an ink tool he made with a pen and a cd player component- the tiny motor thing that makes the cd spin. You might wanna see a doctor you have potential high risks of diseases like tetanus, hepatitis B or C, ink poisoning, HIV, or infections. The risks increase if you contacted each others blood.  

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