
Accidentally bid on an eBay, help?

by Guest61730  |  earlier

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I accidentally bid 3.50 on an eBay item, I tried to take my bid out but it said that my situation did not meet the requirements to take out a bid. I REALLY cannot bid on this item, I do not have a PayPal or a credit card, or a bank account.

Here is the item.

I do not know how to do this.

I deleted my eBay account and got an email from eBay saying that I would hear from the eBay department soon.

If I delete my account, will my bid be taken off?




  1. I see the seller cancelled the bid.  That's pretty standard, most sellers are good that way.

    I want to clarify one thing.  You DID NOT delete your eBay account.  You FILED A REQUEST to have it deleted.  eBay may or may not delete it, but never in less than 60 days.

    In both cases, you clearly didn't read the information you were given.  I can't stress how important it is to read these things.

    Now that you've filed your request, I will summarize the information they gave you.  Your account will be closed in about 60 days, and the email address you used on the account can never be used on eBay again.  Until it's permanently closed, you can change your mind.  In the meantime, you are responsible for all activity taking place on your account.  All sales, all bids, etc. are binding and must be completed if you have won or sold an item.

  2. If you have the contact information from the purchaser you can let them know the situation, often times they will be understandable.  They can take the bid off on their side so you won't have to try to cancel it on your end.  I don't think you have anything to worry too much about, especially if you contact the seller.

  3. You can retract your bid if the seller agrees to allow it.  Just contact them, be polite and explain in detail your mistake. It's only a few dollars and I doubt they'll mind.

    **** If that doesn't work, email me and I'll out bid you on the listing. I'll pay $4.00 for that. ****

  4. ok, calm down! first e-mail the person selling the item and ebay telling them what happened. i'm sure they'll both understand....

    also offer to pay for anything the person selling the item has lost out on!

  5. dude, its 3.50...  no need to stress you could find that much in change walking around a parking lot.

  6. If you were willing to buy this thing for $3.50 then I'm guessing you have a bunch of other useless c**p. Sell one of those things and now you'll have the $3.50 you need to pay for this. Problem solved, now stay off ebay unless you have the $$.

  7. Well, since the current bid is $3.25, looks like you got lucky.

    And how does one "accidentally" bid $3.50 on eBay? You would have to click on "Place Your Bid Here" and then you would have to click on the 3 and the 5 and the 0, and then you would have to click on "Place my Bid", and then, if I'm not mistaken, you would have to click one final time on "Yes, I'm Sure". That's one heck of an accident.

  8. sometimes people say that they bid the wrong amount and they just want to get out of the bid. All they do is send you an email conferming it. If you don't want to do that you can email the owner and tell them the news.

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