
Accidentally drank several tblspoons of hydrocodone thinking it was regular cough syrup. Answer now please!!?

by  |  earlier

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on the bottle i now read take 1tsp daily.. i totally mistook this stuff for another bottle of cough syrup nearby, I feel really faint and shaking , plus the drowsiness has kicked in BIG TIME. I took perhaps 3tblspoons of this stuff, like a big fat swig of it. Should I make myself throw up, or am i in any danger at the moment? I'm a little nervous. There is no info as to the mg's on the bottle.. but i freaking took 9x the recommended dose, please help! im 25/m




  1. you'll be fine nothing to worry about.

  2. Make sure someone checks on you while your sleeping. Because you will be. If your breathing starts getting shallow tell them to call an ambulance

  3. heres a thought SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION!!! IMMEDIATELY!  do u know how easy it is to OD on this ****.

    You need to speak to a medical professional not idiots on this website. You should be asking a doctor this

  4. Hydrocodone will do that to you.  I would eat something if you can and drink some water.  I think you will be fine.  

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