
Accidentally flashed the whole football team at practice?

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I'm a sophomore cheerleader at my hs, and we often practice in the stadium with our football team. alot of the football team was getting water at one point when we were practicing one of our dismounts, and as I was coming down, my spotter's hand slipped off my back, and he had to brab my sports bra to catch me, which pulled up really far and basically showed my b***s to the whole football team. (btw, I dont blame my spotter for this. he didnt do anything wrong. and he's a really cool guy) I tried to play it off like it didnt happen, but it was clear that everyone saw. I dont know what to do. School starts tomorrow. I'm going to be so embarassed. what should I do!?!?!?!?!




  1. Clear your calander because you will be getting a lot of dates soon!

  2. I would not be teasing you or laughing at you, I would be asking you out on a date :)

  3. just act like you always do.

  4. Act like nothing happened, play it cool.

  5. LOL! I'm guessing you will be the only one that is hating this. You may have just become the new hero of the football team. No repeat performances though.

  6. Just play it off if you don't make a big deal about it then maybe no one else will either.

    You don't have any reason to be embarrassed. I remember your high stakes football bet.

    BTW, Did you make any bets this weekend and lose?

  7. dont be embarrassed about it , people are checking out the cheerleaders all the time and picturing them naked , so its no big deal , just be glad you are young and hot and enjoy it

  8. Act like nothing happen, I'm sure when go to school tomorrow you will think people are looking at you, or are whispering things behind your back, that is just going to be in your head.  If some one does say something, just laugh it off. You already said you played it off like it didn't happen, continue with that.  

  9. Lol just roll with it theres nothin you can really do about and the more you can laugh at it the easier it will become  

  10. Dont be embarassed because theres nothing you can do.

    Its not like its a bad thing that happened though, I dont think any idiot would make fun of you.

    Just act normal about it and act like its a thing of the past. People probably wont confront you about it, what are they gonna say? Hey I saw your b***s yesterday? No way, I guarantee you not even 4 people bring this up at all, just stick with your friends and if anybody does laugh it off.

    Its really not a big deal at all.

  11. The best thing to do, in all honesty, is to just go to school and do your thing and act like nothing happened. It was an accident and saying or doing anything about it will just draw attention to the incident. If you just go ahead and do what you're doing, then normal life can continue. When anyone mentions it, just laugh it off, "Oh? You Saw that? ha ha!" The bigger deal YOU make of it, the bigger deal it will become. The less attention you give the incident, the less it will seem important to anyone else.

  12. Just play it cool.  If any of the players harass you about it just tell them it was the only way they were going to see anything like that outside of the internet.

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