We are TTC our 2nd child. Last cycle, we were not yet using Clomid. The days leading up to my expected period, I took a few pregnancy tests, which were all negative. 14 days after ovulation, I got my period... which lasted a record 14 days. I then started 100mg of Clomid on cycle days 4-9. Today, on cycle day 15, I got up to take an ovulation test, only to discover that I had used the wrong test (I buy them in bulk, and the packages are nearly identical), and actually took a pregnancy test instead... which turned up POSITIVE! So, and hour later, I took another pregnancy test and an ovulation test... both came up postivie! Now, I'm trying to figure out (1) could I really be pregnant? I had my period for 14 days! (2) If I am pregnant, what's the danger of the Clomid that I took? (3) How the heck is this all even possble?!