
Accidentaly superglued my ultrasonic toothbrush to my nipple?

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whilst handcuffed to a German. What should i do?

Serious answers only please




  1. well looks like you;ll be handcuffed for awhile so you better get a bigger house and food as walking with a toothbrush on the nipple would look a bit out of place.

  2. I HATE when that happens - time 4 a bath !!!

  3. Turn it on, obviously.

    Something's gotta give.

  4. I'm sure if you turn it on you'll love it... and won't be able to do without. Are you still handcuffed to the German too?  

  5. Grab some nail polish remover and pour it on the glue...That will free you up long enough for you to get back on your meds!  It's "high" time!

  6. nothing left to do but cut off your p***s, you obviously think with it

  7. No way, the German would have gnawed his own arm off to escape the unbearable stench of your undigested grass clipping breath.

  8. Do nothing, seriously.

    While your teeth are qluenched, spread cheek muscles. Okay are you smiling?

  9. Go to a doctor! right NOW!

  10. Not again Penfold!  These toothbrush mishaps are becoming tiresome. You will of course be disgraced again at the hospital. They may turn a blind eye to the superglued nipple and the handcuffs... but the German!! You deviant freak!  

    (Entschuldigungen, meine deutschen Freunde)

  11. ......uhhh...i guess doctors?

    never heard of his situation before

  12. If the German is cute, enjoy the ride...otherwise, call 911.

  13. I can't believe you didn't invite me over man. My gimp costume is freshly laundered and you KNOW Toralf loves the smell of Daz. Ich bin total enttäuscht. Und ich war sooo geil....

  14. You did what?! I think this calls for a visit to the emergency room, ASAP.

  15. Kindly ask the German to turn your toothbrush on and to work your other nipple with his/her free hand.

  16. take a picture, otherwise no one will believe this great story that it will be later on...

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