
Accidently removed a stitch 8 days after rhinoplasty....anything to worry about??

by  |  earlier

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i just had a nose job 8 days ago, and i was cleaning my nose out with a q-tip and i realized that i had accidentaly just removed a this anything to worry about???




  1. Hmm,I'd call the doctor.

  2. Most sutures that need to be removed (old kind) are typically removed at 7-10 days.  The kind that dissolve on their own are probably what are in your nose, those will come out on their own.  Which is probably what happened here.  I would not worry about it either way.  Although I would be careful about the q-tip in the nose since you just had surgery.

  3. No, it probably dissolved and was loose.  ENT docs put in fast absorbing sutures in noses, so that they dissolve quickly.

  4. for a cosmetic procedure yes I stitch removal can make the skin pop out a bit.  for any other injusry it might not matter as much...

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