
Accidetnaly hit a car in the snow. what to do next? i left the scene?

by  |  earlier

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while driving in the snow in NY City today, i was stooping at a stop sign and my car slided to the left and hit a parked car. i baked up and checked the other car if it had damage but there didnt appear to be none. my car had a small dent but no scratch. two people saw me. i was on my way to pick up my mother so i left. what should i do next to stay legal? should i call the police and tell them or what

i am only 17, i have my driver license for 1 year and 2 months now and this is the first time something like this has happened. i haven't told my parents as i am scared. and i was really scared at the accident scene that i was crying when i left

how do i report this to the police. do i call 911 or do i go into the police station or is there another way?

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  1. Turn yourself in. If you get caught it will be awful. . you could go to jail and then you'd be the new meat and all kinds of bad guys will try to do nasty things to your body and you'll have to learn how to make a shiv out of a tooth brush just to protect yourself. When all you had to do was give them your insurance . . . Be a man for the love of pete. . wait you probably don't want to love pete unless he makes you his *****. .

  2. I saw the whole thing I have your plate number and I know what kind of car you drive. You had better go to the police and turn yourself in.

  3. um if no real damage done its bad but KEPP YOUR MOUTH SHUT and in the future if your in a hurry leave a note with insurane info and phone number on it. didn't you what brittney spears went though LOL.

  4. better tell your parents. if someone reports this you will probably get a fine for leaving the scene. might lose your license

  5. One of those two people most likely got your plates so the police will probably come to you. That's what I would have done. What you did was illegal, it's called hit and run, regardless if the car was parked.

  6. if you flee the scene then can get some jail time, so iwould suggest either turning yourself in or hide the car for the next like 6 months so its unknown. good luck;...

  7. stay away and don't drive down that rode anymore, don't go to the cops what are you thinking?

  8. Don't go to the cops.  If they have your plate number from a witness, they would have called you by now.  The penalty isn't going to change if you turn yourlself in now, it's too late.  The penalty will be the same if you go to them or they come to you.  Chalk this one up as one of life's little lessons and don't do it again!

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