
Accio Harry Potter fans?

by Guest57718  |  earlier

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1.What do you think of Mr.Weasley and Mrs.Weasley?

2.Whom do you think that Mr.Weasley and Mrs.Weasley love the most (among their children)?Why?




  1. 1) i think that Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are very sweet people who only want what is best for their kids and their kids' friends

    2) hmmm.... i don't think they have a favorite, but if they did i would say Percy at first, but towards the end of the series, they don't agree with Percy, so maybe Ginny :)

  2. Good question...

    They're great...!!

    i love them...and they're still so in love yet they don't feel the need to broadcast it to the whole world...

    Mr Weasley was so funny when he was into Muggle Stuff...It was really sad when he had to give it up...I hope he went back to it when the war ended...

    And Mrs Weasley is cool too...

    As for's hard really..let's see...

    Ron: Well, he was really special out of their kids because he helped fight against Lord Voldemort at the age of eleven soon as he began investigating the Philosopher's Stone...and he brought Harry to them...and they love Harry...

    Ginny: She's their only girl and they must love her a lot...especially Mrs Weasley

    Fred + George: Despite how unhappy Mrs W was with their career choice, it was obvious she loved them deeply when she was worried they had died at the World Cup and she was so deeply sad when Fred died (any mother would be)

    Percy: Well, when he left it was clear how much they loved him...I think they probably stopped loving him as much though when he turned his back on them.

    Charlie: Charlie isn't a big figure in the books, only really showing his face in the 4th and 7th book...however, I'm sure Mr + Mrs W love him loads too...

    Bill: I think Mrs Weasley really loves can sort of feel it in the books...

    So really...I don't think they have any favourites.

    What a waste of

    well, if I had to pick I would say for Mrs W...Bill...and for Mr W...Fred + George as he always got on very well with them  

  3. i loveeeee mr and mrs weasley.  i think that they are really, really funny.  

    also i don't think they love any more than the others.  I think Mrs. Weasley really adores Ginny because she's the only girl and shes the youngest but I think she also loves her sons equally.

  4. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are okay but I feel like they don't give as much attention to their own children as they do to Harry.

    2. I would say that they love all their children equally but I think Mrs Weasley might be more fond of Percy and Mr. Weasley more fond of Ron.

  5. I like them. They should have their own sitcom. :D

    And as for the kids part, why would they have a favorite?

  6. 1. I think they're sweet and kind hearted people , they like to help the others , and they're great parents and good example for their kids .... =]

    2.Every parent loves his children equally , no matter how much kids he/she has , since they are good people , i can't say that they have favorites among their children ... they treat every of them same =]


  7. Ah!! Not too fast, Accio-ing me like that, without me paying attention. I got sucked in the screen! ;P

    Well their relationship is wonderful, jumpy at times, but they understand each other. Mr.Weasley is a great man, he has a big heart, irresponsible sometimes, but he's a great dad and good husband. Mrs.Weasley is the ideal caring mum, she cares for her family, house and friends. She has a great big heart, she cared for Harry, and even though she gets overprotective sometimes, she's still awesome.

    I think they care about them all, but mostly Ginny, as she's the only daughter they have.

  8. i love them they are sooooooo cute defo the best couple

    i think they both love ginny a lot as shes their only daughter u know different from the boys but they were also quite proud of percy...

  9. i dont thik they have fave. and i always wondered why they got together.

    funny question name.

  10. 1) love them love them love them especially molly.

    2) they love them all equally they are really good parents.

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