
Accommodation and Cost of Living in Barrio Salamanca Madrid?

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I am moving to Madrid in mid-November to do my MBA in the Barrio Salamanca area. Anyone from there who can give tips about accomodation, food, shopping, and cost of living?




  1. You won't find very many asian stores, just spanish shops, in some areas you may find chinese supermarkets. The general markets are best for fruit and veg, and its seasonal, no forced foods here. Eating out is often very cheap, sometimes cheaper then cooking at home, with menu del dias from about 4.95 for three courses

  2. Just about the most expensive area to live in.

    Look to spend around €1000 - 1300 a month for a one bedroom 40m place.

    You would be far better living further out and or sharing and taking the metro in to class. Try searching "el segundamano" for private listings to get an idea on price.

    Cost of living ie food and transportation isn´t too much perhaps €250 a month maximum.

    Where are you coming from and what lifestyle do you enjoy? That´ll determine the costs.

  3. It's one of the most expensive places to live in Madrid, but you can try living with other flatmates so a room can cost yo about... 250€ (260 dollar aprox.)  The houses are old but reformed 8 story aparments, most of them are with tall ceilings and very pretty balconys.

    Food... there's lots of places to buy food, but if you want to buy cheap but good food try a Supermaket cald Mercadona, because Hipercore is very expensive!!

    Its a very busy place but you can do lots there and you have a nice park called El Retiro where you can chill out or take a walk.

    Lots of places to buy clothes!!

    Its an awsome place to live if you have the money to live!!

    Good Luck!!

  4. When you arrive, check out the University notice boards and see if there are students looking for roommates to share an apartment, that would be your best bet. If you don't find any then you'll have to look for your own.

    El Barrio de Salamanca is one of the most exclusive and expensive areas in Madrid. You would be better off looking a bit further out of the center of the city. Madrid has an excellent public transportation service, buslines and Metro serve the whole city....And for an emergency the taxis are great, and not all that expensive. (Also if you live in Barrio de Salamanca, most everything you'll want to see is within walking distance, that'll save you on transportation!)

    here are a couple of websites in Madrid for apartments, so you can get an idea of what you'll be likely to find:

    As to food....

    There are many supermarket chains all over Spain. One of the best in quality and price is MERCADONA, and I would say a second in quality is SUPERSOL; then there are the cheapy  discount type stores/chains such as LIDL, DIA and PLUS (of these 3 I prefer LIDL). Then there are the "hypermarkets" such as CARREFOUR, EROSKI and ALCAMPO. You would probably need a car to get to these, as they are usually on the outskirts.

    For general shopping you have "EL CORTE INGLÉS" department stores, and there are a few shopping malls such as for example "LA VAGUADA" in El Barrio del Pilar, with a Corte Inglés and many shops, boutiques, restaurants, etc.

    There are also outdoor markets held at least one day a week in different barrios, once you are set in, ask where the closest one is, and what day it's held... good for fresh produce)

    As to cost of living, (your apartment expenses not included), I'd say with 600 to 700 $US, you should be able to live frugally but comfortably, if not luxuriosly. If you have to go out...don't go to restaurants, go to small cafés or bars, and enjoy "Tapear" typical spanish snacking, each "tapa" runs about 1 euro more or less, and on 3 or 4  you could probably have a fair meal, one of the most fun and delicious parts of spanish cuisine!

    While in Madrid, take advantage of all the wonderful museums, palaces, monuments, parks, etc. (Get youreself a student pass -that way you'll have special prices and privileges to visit museums, etc.).

    If you are going to be there for a whole school year. Do as much sightseeing as you can, There is a line of buses (Daibus) that will take you to Andalucia for a small fare...Don't leave Spain without visitng Granada, the Alhambra is gorgeous, and as many other cities as you can cram in! (Barcelona is magnificent... Santiago de Compostela & Toledo, majestic, Seville impressive... All of Spain is worth visiting!

    I hope you enjoy your stay, and good luck with your studies!

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