
Accommodation in Bahrain?

by Guest32720  |  earlier

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How much time does it normally take to look for a house in Bahrain? Does one have to go through brokers/ agents (and pay a fee) or is there a way around it?




  1. Looking for a flat in Bahrain does not need a lot of time. It is posted in the GDN newspaper. Just buy the newspaper and checked flats that are for rent.

  2. It depends on your budget, if you are willing to pay the market rates then you would get a house in couple of days. Its better to go through broker/agents and they dont charge you anything and they take their commision from the landlord. You can look at the advertisements in in the classified section and you can get a good idea of rentals

  3. I already answered in your previous question, but really... with a little bit more details we could help you more.

    Do you speak Arabic? So I could provide you with sources that list flats/rented homes/etc.

  4. Depends on what you are looking for and what you budget is...

    You don't pay agents if you are looking to rent only if you are buying. Then the standard fee is 1% of the purchase price. U can email me at if you have more questions or need a hand in your quest.

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