
Accomplishments of Warren G. Harding?

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What are five specific accomplishments of Warren G. Harding?




  1. That sux hes one of the most forgotten presidents of the US. He really didnt do anything because it was the roaring twenties and there was nothing to fix besides prohibition. He did pardon Eugene Debs if thats an accomlishment. Other wise he died in office and his term was riddled with scandals from teapot dom to the Ohio Gang

  2. None

  3. gosh, I don't know, took AP US History last year and I loved it, but I just turned in the textbook, Sorry can't help.

    He was one of thos forgotten pres.

    Go to WIKIPEDIA.

    It's very helpful! :D

    Be Well!

  4. Your Mom accomplished Warren G. Harding.



  5. well he was a politician and the 29th president of the United States from March 4, 1921-Aug. 2, 1923..ended cause he died of a heart attack..he was a republican frm Ohio and an influential newspaper publisher. He served on the Ohio Senate frm 1899-1903, later as Lieutenant Governor of Ohio 1903–1905, and as a U.S. Senator 1915–1921. His political leanings were conservative, which enabled him to become the compromise choice at the 1920 Republican National Convention. During his presidential campaign, held in the aftermath of World War I, he promised a return to "normalcy"; and, in the 1920 election, he defeated his Democratic opponent, fellow Ohioan James M. Cox, in the biggest landslide in American history—60.36% to 34.19%.

    In foreign affairs, Harding signed peace treaties that built on the Treaty of Versailles (which formally ended World War I). He also led the way to world Naval disarmament at the Washington Naval Conference of 1921–22.


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