
Accomplishments of the current Congress?

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2 years ago the Democrats came roaring into power on two main promises - getting us out of Iraq and impeachment/criminal charges against Bush (neither of which would require a 2/3rds veto-proof event) they promised to fillibuster, cut funding, and "do whatever was needed" to accomplish these goals.

Well... neither of these things has happened.. so aside from interviewing a bunch of baseball players and getting Sammy Sosa to come to Washington, WHAT has been accomplished by the 110th Congress. Even though you know I have my biases, this is an honest question... what has been accomplished?




  1. Democrats haven't had enough members to be effective. The republicans have been the most obstructive in US history by their relentless filibustering.

    The "Uniter" (That title is another lie in a sea of his lies) has vetoed nearly everything the democrats have sent to him.

    How do you write such nonsense and still sleep at night.

  2. For a while, they managed to subpoena a republican every time Bush sneezed.

  3. You can't blame the Congress when George W. Bush vetoes every GOOD bill that the Senate passes. When Obama gets in the Oval Office, progress will begin to be made.

    If Con is the opposite of Pro.. does that mean that Congress is the opposite of Progress?

    EDIT: Name one Veto? Are you F'ing Serious? S.C.H.I.P. The State Children's Health Insurance Program. The Senate overwhelmingly passed this bill to give MORE money to help Children who do not have health insurance. George W. Bush said NO WAY, He needs more money to go FIGHT Children without Health Insurance in Iraq.

  4. We still have some fading generation Democrats that vote with Republicans because they share their fears and dated ways.

  5. Their biggest accomplishment to date is that they have the lowest approval rating in history.

    Another Democratic landmark!

  6. Nothing that will save me any money! How about you??

  7. Only that they are against the citizens of the USA, what with no drilling, and making us dependent on foreign oil, NOT A DAM THING!!!! we need to get rid of pelosi and fineswine and boxer, they are going against their own countrymen!! does anyone else see whats going on here!!!!! Not enough of them, everyone is dazzeled with the promise of change, and most have no idea at all what their in store for!!!


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