
According from the encyclopedia, female has smaller brain than male. Is this true?

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Well some other encyclopedia says that woman and man has the same size of brain. So which is true




  1. It must be true that men are smarter than female but do not ever belittle women because without them there is no generation today and on future...

  2. It is more important what the ratio is between areas of the brain. For example 50% of George W. Bush's brain has been shown by CAT scan to be brain stem. His frontal lobe is quite small in comparison. Ronald Reagan also had a small frontal lobe but a larger than normal speech center.  Bill Clinton's brain stem is almost as large as G.W.B.'s but proportionally smaller due to overall size.

    So, its not the size of your brain that matters, it's what you do with it.

  3. ya female has smaller brain but only in size not in intelligence ok??????

  4. true.

    The size of someone's brain is inversely proportional to their intelligence (most of the time).

    Cause think about it: lets say that one person with a 5lb brain needs 1lb to do basic math.  another person would have a 5lb brain but they know how to do basic math without thinking so they don't need that 1lb of brain so their brain will only be 4lb.

    ^^Example was made up but it demonstrates my point

    Hope this helped!

  5. Females have smaller heads than males, so it figures that the brains (and hearts, and skin, and hands and feet, too ) are smaller.

  6. A female brain is slightly smaller than a male brain.

  7. Generally speaking, a woman's brain is physically smaller than a man's brain, but it doesn't mean she is less intelligent.

    The two heaviest brains ever autopsied clocked in at an astounding 5.75 pounds. They belonged to Lord Byron, the poet, and Janis Joplin, blues singer.

    Einstein's brain was a touch over 3 pounds

  8. It makes sence... if you think about men are generally bigger than women so why wouldn't their brains be too?

  9. defintely true

  10. I don't think it's as much a matter as to which gender has to larger brain, but rather who uses the most of what they have.  Jethro Bodine ("The Beverly Hillbillies") had what he referred to as a "giant brain," yet Ellie Mae was always out smarting him.

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