
According to Islam, will all those who eat pigs go to h**l regardless of any other good qualities they have?

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many answers start off by sounding sensible but by the time u finish reading them u end up with some thing absurd!




  1. no

    it isnt for any of us to say that so and so will go to h**l becuz he ate pork no matter if he has good qualities or not

    only god determines and knows who goes where

    although eating pig is sin since god said dont eat it then whoever goes against that is sinning

    but God forgives anything and everything for whoever he wills .the only thing he dosnt forgive is associating partners with him ( u have tobelieve that there is no god but god himself and he has no sons , mother  etc )

    if any1 does anything wrong all they have to do is repent a sincere repentence and try not to commit the same sin again  

  2. No. Islam is not sola scriptura. Works matter in Islam. A good Muslim is meant to follow the five pillars and do the best he/she can to follow God's word, but there are no automatic-h**l actions.

  3. I talked to a Muslim woman and yes, they believe that. However, when I asked her if I would go to h**l for eating pork, she made it seem as if this were a rule only for Muslims. In other words, if a non-Muslim eats pork, it's ok. But if they do it, they go straight to h**l when they die. Oh well. At least I can now enjoy my thanksgivings a lot more.

  4. If it is true I hope they have plenty of hogs down there, because I sure do like my hog meat. Especially when it's roasted over a big fire with an apple in it's mouth. Now you made me hungry. I gotta get me a piece of meat.

  5. No.  That is just a myth being circulated by the pigs.  Get out of the mud!

  6. If a Muslim eats pork intentionally without any valid reason

    then they will get sins

    Islam is based on good and bad actions

    more good actions take you to heaven

    bad actions such as committing sins will not

  7. It isn't what goes into the mouth that defiles the body, it is what proceeds out of it that does.

    Nevertheless, I still don't eat swine. :)

  8. No but it's considered as a big, a very big sin.

    You are considered to have reserved a ticket to h**l only if you convert to other religion. That's a blasphemy.

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