
According to NASA the warmest year on record is 1934, doesn't this prove that Global Warming is not real?

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A NASA scientist who was critical of the Bush administration created the algorithm that the Global Warming hypothesis is based on. When someone asked to see the algorithm to check the results, the scientist refused so he reverse engineered it and proved it was wrong. NASA quietly changed the results to show that the warmest year on record is 1934. If Global Warming exists, the temperatures should have gone up, thus the term 'warming". The fact is, the temps haven't gone up and the new algorithm proves it.

Also the evidence is strong that we are entering a 20-30 year cool period, just like many Global Warming skeptics predicted.

Does this mean Global Warming isn't real? I'm confused.




  1. These dates are merely anecdotal in nature and no one,  especially the liberals behind climate change have any clue what is going on.   This is just something else to blame Bush, Reagan and other conservatives for.

  2. warmest year on record... WHERE????



    (which happens to be less than 5% of the earth surface)


    We speak of "global warming", not national warming. To be accurate, we have to consider the worldwide temperatures.

    As most countries will probably get warmer, some other like South Africa are even expected to see their temperature decrease through changed balance due to global warming.

    Be careful to read everything and question everything. Do not let people mislead you. Really everything has to be taken into account and questioned regarding such an important scientific issue as global warming.

  3. When glaciers are melting at the fastest rate yet in 5000 years, I would imagine that skeptics could not dismiss global warming but they still do.  HELLO.....fastest rate in 5000 years!!!!  The freakin glaciers are practically disappearing, yet there is no global warming??? Glaciers that have never even come close to melting before, which have been around for thousand of millennia, are.  I'm not sure how people can sit back and listen to scientific reports on this subject and then shake their heads and dismiss the whole idea of global warming as a hoax.  Are we as humans that arrogant to think that NOTHING could ever touch us because we are big bad humans and can fix everything??   I think skeptics are scared and don't want to believe because we don't have an answer as to what we can do to remedy the problem.  I mean, maybe we would but at this point, i don't think we could reverse the damage done.   I've always thought that the human species, as a whole think ourselves to be almighty and there is no problem we can't tackle, and what we can't...we dismiss, and then eventually face the consequences which would be much more alarming then what led to the consequence in the first place.

  4. Global Warming is real.  Its a complicated issue, but very erradicate weather patterns are a big part of climate change, which even NASA scientists and reknowned climatologists dont understand.  They know that things have changed and its all been in the last 100 years.  They've done ice core borings in Antarctica that reveal Co2 bubbles in the ice that show drastic increases since 1890.  Its simple.  The more fossil fuels released into the atmosphere, its trapped and slowly warms.  There are so many other studies that help support that we are killing our planet. It doesnt just go away like all those dumb rednecks from Oklahoma believe.  FOOLS

  5. No. Because the AGW crowd has since changed the term to "climate change". See, how conveniently they can recover their damaged reputations and preserve their egos?

    So now cooling can be a result of global warming too.


  6. Your confusion comes from reading inaccurate web-sites.  If you want to know what NASA scientists actually say, I'd suggest you read NASA web-sites (not personal blogs where people can claim all kinds of nonsense).

    1934 was NOT the warmest year on record (except in one region of the planet), 1998 or 2005 (depending on which data-set you use) clearly had the warmest global surface temperature.  Does this up to date NASA plot look to you like 1934 was warmer than 1998 or 2005?

    Clearly, since it isn't true about 1934, there is no "new algorithm" that proves it.  NASA makes it's data freely available, so there is no need for anyone to "reverse engineer" anything.

    There is no evidence in the scientific literature that claims we are entering a 20 - 30 year cool period.

  7. I am not a expert in the field of climatology, so I can only give my opinion.  Global warming is real, so is Global cooling, or now the popular term climate change.  The thing is, certain people dramatized future events to try and stir up passions within people.  That is a double edge sword, because if the events predicted do not come to pass, those who predicted them lose credibility and society will lose trust in them.  The climate does change, and we do have affect on it, but how much affect is truly unknown,  and how great the change is can only be estimated.   I am confident that as scientist in the field discover more we will all benefit from the information.  Until we learn more our leaders need to use caution before make drastic measures and increasing taxes.

  8. Here is a link to NASA temperatures

    You will clearly see that the warmest year was not 1934, and that there is a clear upward trend. You do seem "confused"  (as you put it), and I think you are trying to confuse other people with your misinformation.  The only place that NASA's records say that 1934 was warmest was the U.S., and that would not contradict the global warming hypothesis, since the smaller the area and shorter the time span the more local variations you can get.

  9. Since the day that earth became alive she experienced many weather changes, and those changes made life impossible on earth. In fact, global warming is the element that saved earth from Ice Age through the awaknass of volcanos and the CO2 that was released by this volcanos. The earth has it's way to balance the life on it. The CO2 that is realesed can be reduced by the forest. But the humans are causing an excess of the CO2 and are destroying the elements that can reduce this gaz. The earth will heal herself like she always do. It may take so many years and may be millions, it depend on the damage. But the question is: can human survive till the earth heal herself or even can they survive the healing process?

    I have an article written by (By Larry O'Hanlon)

    Global Warming: A Primer

    In the simplest terms, global warming is just what it sounds like: the worldwide rise in surface temperatures. The National Academy of Science has put the rise at 1 degree F over the course of the 20th century, but measurements from satellites of both land and sea surfaces are showing that the rate of warming is increasing sharply.

    It's more than just surface temperatures that are going up, however. A lot of research into temperature changes in the upper layers of the atmosphere, as well as the deep oceans, is showing warming. Then, there are the more obvious signs: the rapid retreat of glaciers in Greenland, Alaska, the Himalaya, the Antarctic Peninsula and on high tropical mountains; the thinning and disappearance of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean during summer; the melting of permafrost in Canada, Alaska and Siberia; and the rise of sea level and an increase in extreme weather.

    The cause of global warming is what's called the "greenhouse effect." That's shorthand for the ability of gases in the atmosphere to slow down the release of heat into space at night. Some gases are better at this than others. Carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are the top three "greenhouse gases." They are very good at absorbing sunlight and converting that energy into heat – rather like a rock does just sitting in the sun.

    Surprisingly, the greenhouse effect isn't a bad thing. It's essential for life on Earth – when it's not too vigorous. If not for the greenhouse effect, the temperature on the surface of Earth would be like that of the airless moon – swinging wildly from 225 degrees F (107 C) during the day to -243 degrees F (-153 C) at night. Not a good place for life.

    The greenhouse effect is only troublesome when it gets too strong and warms things too much. And that's just what scientists say has happened over the last 150 years or so as the people of industrialized nations have extracted Earth's vast buried stores of fossil fuels and burned them. Since the start of the Industrial Revolution the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide has increased nearly 30 percent, methane has more than doubled, and the nitrous oxide concentration is up about 15 percent. All those extra greenhouse gases mean more and more solar energy is being trapped in the atmosphere, exacerbating the greenhouse effect and making things warmer.

    The result: 2005 was Earth's warmest year in a century, according to NASA climatologists. The years 1998, 2002, 2003 and 2004 were the next four runners-up. The year 2005 was also a record-breaking year for Atlantic hurricanes in which the coastal city of New Orleans – made all the more vulnerable because of sea level rise – was almost wiped off the map by Hurricane Katrina.

    Of course, because the effects of global warming on local climates are very complicated, it remains to be seen exactly how different regions will feel the heat.

    "Global warming is a term that's extremely useful when you're running a planet," says John Cox, author of the book Climate Crash. "But it's regional change that affects people. It's the wet and cold and hot and dry."

    That's why climate modelers are constantly refining their stimulations, and climate scientists continue to refine our view of past climate changes to create a better idea of what to expect.

  10. You are living proof that denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

  11. This is old. Glenn Beck tried to pull this c**p on his show awhile ago. He said "the hottest year was 1934" and never told his audience that this was only the United States not the globe. The recalculation did not effect global temps. The hottest years have all been recent.

    But I hope you learn a lesson from this. You are being lied to by people who are intentionally trying to confuse you about the issue. If you are like me, this will p**s you off and make you want to fight back.

  12. Since I was born in 1934, that means that I was one hot baby!  All kidding aside, I believe that things, including weather, occur in cycles.  There is an ice shelf in the Artic that should have melted over the past five years, according to the proponents of  Global Warming, but it is still there. During this past month, temperatures throughout the U.S. have been lower than "normal" averages  instead of higher.  Does this prove Global Warming is not real? I don't know.  I do know that too many overreact to many situations (ie: Chicken Little) and create more controversy than is called for.  People should concentrate more on solving social and health problems.

  13. A multitude of thing prove that global warming is not real.

  14. * The origins of the modern liberal environmental movement in the campaign to ban DDT -- that led to the resurgence of malaria in the poorest countries, with devastatingly fatal consequences

    * The government-dictated preference for corn-based ethanol and other biofuels is causing massive land overuse, soaring food prices, and increased hunger in the poorest places

    * A single SUV tank of ethanol-based gasoline burns enough food to feed a starving African for a year

    * Hormones from contraceptive and "morning after" pills are literally being flushed into rivers and causing bizarre sexual malformations in fish -- and why, for once, there has been no outcry from liberals

    * Yellowstone in flames: Liberal-inspired management programs in the Forest Service and the National Parks have led to major wildfires — including a near—catastrophic one in the nation's crown jewel, Yellowstone Park

    * Getting the Green: the environmental movement is funded by industries that reap enormous profits from environmental laws and regulations

    * Censorship, manufactured outrage, and even phony "science" are being used to cut short the debate over global warming

  15. No,the ten warmest years in the last 100 years have all happened in this decade and the late 1990's.

  16. One has to be suspicious of Jim Hansen, the NASA scientist who has strong political connections, and has staked his career reputation on AGW.  He is constantly revising data to show AGW.

  17. Look at this graph from NASA. Where is 1934 compared to now? You are looking at a GLOBAL chart.

    Now, look at this chart. It is the US ONLY. It even details it on the graph.

    These are the facts and they are indisputable! AGW is real and we are NOT in a cooling period!


  19. Global warming is simply to say we have a source of man made heat heating the atmosphere. The man made heat atmospherically changes weather and will change climate.

    Weather is the interaction of water vapor, air pressure and temperature. Cold air is heavier and is called high pressure. Warm air is lighter and called low pressure. Heating the atmosphere contributes to lower air pressure and changes the weather formula.

    The question is are we heating the atmosphere? The EPA and meteorologists assume we are not doing things on the surface of the planet to generate atmospheric heat but academia couldn't see the heat to qualify it.

    Go to the following link and see how we are generating heat close to boiling temperature on the surface of the planet. Economists and politicians are reacting to the symptoms, not the cause. At this link you will see how states like California are being knocked off the electrical grid and treating heat symptoms with more emissions. Is global warming real? Look at the temperature images at the link and see if the buildings are hotter than atmospheric temperature because that means a heat gain atmospherically. Go and see what the world has been missing.

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