
According to Scripture, why do we die?

by Guest33322  |  earlier

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Sin brought death into the world. Jesus' sacrifice covered our sins. So, if we accept Jesus as our Savior and our sins are covered, why do we still die? Romans 8:2 says, "because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death." If we are set free from the law of sin and death, why do we still die? How can death have a hold on us if we are released from that law?




  1. Romans is using a broader definition of death than just physical...

    we are freed from...

    physical death

    spiritual death (the "second death" of h**l)

    How we experience this now...

    Current relationship with God and a "down payment" of the Holy Spirit.  Current victory over sins control of our lives.

    How we will experience it in the future...

    Total relationship with God, without the barriers or limitations we currently experience

    Freedom from even the temptation and desires of the flesh (as opposed to just its control)

    A new body that will never die.  Death will still affect us but it will not conquer us.  We will pass from death to life.  A believer still dies (or we would be stuck in this fallen body forever) but is given a new body and eternal life.

    in other words, eternal life has already started but it has not yet been fulfilled.

    We are freed from physical death.  But not by never going through it, instead it is by overcoming it.  

    YES. the Greek may imply physical death but context has more to do with meaning than etymology (word roots). Here the context implies physical and spiritual death... it is talking about all the results of the death that entered through adams sin (physical and spiritual)

    EDIT - just like Obama - he is already the candidate for the Dems, the decision is made, but it will be completed tonight at the convention.

    Death, for us, is the convention.

  2. Maybe we don't really die, but sleep and when we wake up we are in heaven.Good question. I never think of it as dying, just going to sleep for eternity.

  3. We dont die we have eternal life.  

    Dying on this earth doesnt mean you soul is dead.  During judgement sinner will have eternal death or eternal life.  Jesus set us free from eternal death.  

  4. That scripture is not referring to physical death; rather, it means that the soul will not die and the believer will live in Heaven.

  5. In the beginning God completely sustained His creation without blemish. That’s why it was perfect. He held every atom together in a perfect state. He kept the planets in their orbits. He kept animals from tripping and breaking their necks. He did not allow people to suffer and die.

    Deuteronomy 8:4 gives us a little glimpse of how things might have been in the original creation. “Thy raiment waxed not old upon thee, neither did thy foot swell, these forty years.” God is omnipotent and perfectly capable of sustaining and protecting his creation.

    When Adam sinned, however, the Lord cursed the universe. In essence there was a change and along with that change God seemingly took away a little bit of his sustaining power and allowed things like suffering and death into His creation. Now He permits bad things to happen—and this is a reminder that sin has consequences and that the world needs a Savior. Romans 8:22 says, “For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.”

  6. The death brought into the world was spiritual, not physical. This is why God told Adam that "the day you eat of" the fruit of the tree of knowledge, you die, not 900+ years later.

    We die physically as a result of being seperated from the tree of life.

    As for the Greek (thanatos), there is no word that implies spiritual or physcial death. Paul is using the only word that describes the wage of sin (3:23). In the same way we only have one word for both spiritual and physical death, "death".

  7. We die because the suffering here on Earth is over, we go to paradise in Heaven and party it up with Jesus.

  8. It's not the first death we are saved from, but the second eternal death of separation from God.

  9. Because nothing please God. He's angry all the time.

  10. First of all, Paul's letters are not the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Our bodies will die because they are mortal.  Our souls and spirit does not die if we live by the word of God(Christ).  We will get a new body and live eternally as sons of God.

  11. To eat the dirt in the ground why else?  

  12. Because the scriptures don't make any sense.

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