
According to Yahoo! Palin was talking out the side of her neck last night?

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  1. the article is leftist spin....every single claim of a falsehood on the reublican side is skewed.

    1. Lobbying for $$ - This was actually $$ for the natural gas pipeline which is how we are going to get to alt fuel (you are for that right).

    2.Yes he was involved in TWO bills, but authored none himself and even those 2 were weak. So she was right on....the point is that he has al kinds of time to run for prez and tlk and write about himself....but little for what he is supposed to be doing for us.

    3.Taxes - The left keeps skewing this - the taxes obama brings will be to business which is taxing us is what you buy from every day so if they are taxed more, you LOSE they have sowed so many people that don't understand simple economics is just beyond me. Obama will be terrible for the economy and terrible for individuals BECAUSE he will be terrible for business.

    4.Like it or not, she is in charge of the National Guard so not sure how they are saying this is a lie.

    5. Huck got a little creative Ill give you ths one - I think he meant on a % basis....prety funny though.

    6. The dem congress is the one with the lowest approval rating in wasnt that way until they took over, and the economy wsnt in bad shape either - so you can blame them because they have much more to do (or failure to do) with the economy than a prez ever could.

    Think for yourself - Don't let Y do it for you - or you'll be stupid.

  2. Big shocker. Republicans are used to spinning things so that it will make them look holier than they really are. She's not only a bad parent, she's a liar. Way to go McCain. Oh wait, he's a liar too.

  3. "In the new survey, although 85% say they are following news stories about Palin at least somewhat closely, just five percent (5%) think reporters are trying to help her with their coverage, while 35% believe reporters are providing unbiased coverage.

    Eighty percent (80%) of Republicans say reporters are trying to hurt the GOP vice presidential nominee, and 28% of Democrats agree. Only six percent (6%) of Republicans and even fewer Democrats (4%)think the reporting is intended to help her. Most Democrats (57%) think the reporters are being unbiased, but just nine percent (9%) of Republicans concur.

    Among unaffiliated voters, 49% say reporters are trying to hurt Palin, while 32% say their coverage is unbiased. Only five percent (5%) say reporters are trying to help her"

  4. Yea Smart Question and Resource, Using a Biases and Liberal Individual Writer as an only Resource?

    I guess you can't research stuff your Self and find out that the Info that was stated still proved that she did exactly what she said...

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