
According to my astrology chart, how would you describe my personality?

by Guest67012  |  earlier

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I am a male Taurus, married to a Scorpio with Scorpio Rising, Sun in Scorpio, Mercury AND Venus in Scorpio. hehehe should I sleep with one eye open?

I however Have

Rising Sun in Capricorn

Sun in Taurus

Moon Leo

Mercury Aries

Venus Pisces

Mars taurus

What would you think my perosonality is and how long do I have left to live with miss scorpio? <she typed this out for for me>




  1. Scorpios aren&#039;t that bad they are just a little intense sometimes!

    my astrology books says you two have a strong attraction although little incommon intellectually and spiritually. Although if you do you will be like magnets. And your physical relationship will be intense.

    You are both opposites and opposites attract.

    Aslong as your are both faithful and trust eash other you will stay together for a long time. Allot of ups and downs but thats a scorpio. Your relationship will be intense and full of passion :)

    you seem like you would be a very confident person. You love the comforts of life. You are a very passionate person.

    You may have a side of you that you don&#039;t want other people to know. You are stubborn and possibly hot headed.

    You are probably conservative and practial.

  2. You are very hardworking.  Your job is not your life (keep that in mind hehe), taurus-you are sensual, stubborn, loyal, stable, and with moon in leo you like to be adored and admired. You love attention, as a matter of fact you crave it! Venus in Pisces makes you very sensive in matters of the heart.

    Now with you and the Tabbi, you guys fight a lot? Because Taurus locks horns and is quite stubborn and Scorpio is another one that just won&#039;t give in. Tabbi where is your moon in? That&#039;s very important because that&#039;s where the emotions click with your partner.

    I must say you guys are a great match. Your moon in aries is very compatible to your hubbys in leo. Your sun is compatible with sun in taurus. Your rising in cap is also compatible in scorp rising. Your private life is full of vigor and passion! You, Tabbi are a very passionate lover and he-a very sensual taurus has lots of stamina (capricorn). There&#039;s great compaitibility in your signs.

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