
According to real history how long ago did humans live?

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I am referring to walking upright, speaking a language kind of human.




  1. well thats actually complex as the earliest bipedal creatures are as far back as 10 million years (eg Sahelanthropus tchadensis), speaking required the brain to do some developing (in Broccas area, the frontal lobe) and this is thought to have possibly devloped around 2.4 million years ago...but this would have been primative and probably used more hand signs...proper language may not have been around till around 90,000 years ago...its possible that H.habilis, H.erectus and archaic H.sapiens may have used language, but getting a brain cavity cast to tell us if the Broccas area had devloped is hard if the skulls are not complete.

  2. Five hundred thousand years ago.

  3. Mankind and the world are only thirteen thousand years old. We are the tail end as everybody and his grandmother are well aware.

  4. No one can exactly say when a language speaking human formed, as humans were developed far before languages originated, they cam over hundreds of years. Although historians say that the Homosapien(human) was made in the cenozoic era(the current era).

  5. What we commonly think of as human ancestors (like the autralopithecines) appeared around 2.5 million years ago. These guys were walking upright, or close to it. What think of as anatomically modern humans didn't really appear until the last 200,000 years, certainly by 60,000 years ago. This is what the fossil record says, at any rate. We don't actually know if any other hominid species was capable of language, since we have never seen one alive, and only have skeletal remains to go by. The only species we are dead certain was capable of language is our own species.

  6. Historically,

    According to what history?

    Different histories have different origin points of humanity.

    So you're asking the wrong question. Ask, according to the ancient 'Egyptians', how old is humanity? Or, according to the ancient Hebrews, or Mayans. (since I know two of those had calendars more accurate than ours.)

    Factually, when did modern people appear? Well, think about it.

    History is a fairly new concept, it wasn't always around.

    Further, the first modern humans probably mumbled, and didn't really have any official languages. So you would need to define 'language'.

    To get to the point, and answer the question in simplicity:

    I'm going to answer 2 questions, since I don't know which one you're asking out of:

    A)How long ago did modern humans live?

    B)How long ago did we start behaving, well, human [modern]?

    A) 130,000 years ago, is when we started to appear.

    B) People started acting in a cognitively "modern" way circa 80,000 years ago circa south africa, in blombos cave. (fishing, abstract thought, geometric designs, etc.)

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