
According to records of her reign, did Queen Elizabeth I and Will Shakespeare actually meet?

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In several films, and in a dramatized BBC account of Will's London years, there are scenes in which the Queen and Playwright have encounters. But in a biography of her, Will is mentioned only in passing. Is there a scholar hereabout who knows?




  1. No. They had never met. William Shakespear only became famous for his works and plays a decade later after he died in 1616. This was a common mistake made by many simply because they both lived in the Elizabethan era.

  2. I believe they've met. Queen Liz is royalty and Will's a playwright. Back in those days the safe entertainments are plays and sonnets so They could've met. Yes, I've seen several films too about Shakespeare and Liz (even in the film Shakespeare)

  3. Yes she was a patron of the arts

  4. if they meet she is lucky i wish i met him he is a man with feelings not like these days

  5. no they didn't meet.

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