
According to the bible, is it okay to eat turtle?

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It was always fine to eat crawfish and catfish and crabs and shrimp but i dont eat any of that too much no more (I'm from Louisiana) and i caught a turtle, and we eat that too, but I was wondering if it was ok.




  1. The part of the bible that concerns itself with this stuff is Leviticus 11. According to that, you can't eat crustaceans or catfish either. It depends on whether you beleive the OT hokey or the NT hokey.

    Specifically, Leviticus 11:9-12

    " 'Of all the creatures living in the water of the seas and the streams, you may eat any that have fins and scales. 10 But all creatures in the seas or streams that do not have fins and scales—whether among all the swarming things or among all the other living creatures in the water—you are to detest. 11 And since you are to detest them, you must not eat their meat and you must detest their carcasses. 12 Anything living in the water that does not have fins and scales is to be detestable to you.


  3. Nothing in the bible that talks about that. Id say its ok. God made animals nutrients, and water for a reason. Its a sin if you eat another human.

  4. a little strange! I think its wrong! especially that they are an EndanGereD spieces!!!!!! But generally what you need to eat to survive is what you need to eat to survive! Just not turtles! They are beautiful & are dying out!!

  5. I'm sure it's ok, though those "rules" were intended for the Jews.

    Come to think of it, The Bible says it's ok to eat "fish with scales" but no mention of catfish. But that won't stop me...... I love catfish!

  6. only if there alive while you are eating them

  7. uh. i don't know if it's okay.


    that's awful.

    you wanna eat a cute little baby turtle! :(

    have you ever seen franklin!

    awwwww, meanie. don't eat turtles!

  8. yes it is ok

  9. well if u r talking about the....the like cristian bible yes, but like other religion can only eat like some types of meat

  10. the bible says ALL shellfish & bottom-feeders are UNCLEAN

  11. It says something about the feet being like cows to be eaten. not to eat animals that have hooves like horses. Another part it says you can eat anything. If you like to eat turtle it is probably ok but I guess it is not the best thing in the world to eat.

  12. Now..everything is o.k.  In the Old 'Testament times, there were "rules" God made, which protected their health in those days.

    Those rules no longer apply in the New Testament which is why God gave Paul a vision and repeated it three times that he could now eat any food.....In the book of Acts, I think.

  13. Yea, it's fine you just can't eat puppies or babies.

  14. Man plz don eat them, else they may soon become extinct

  15. I think it is okay..

  16. I know catfish are out, because they are bottom feeders. (Old Testament rules tho they don't apply to Christians because of the New Testament). I think all the foods you mentioned are out.

  17. yes god gave us these things to eat and care for to so go ahead

  18. turtle is sooooooooooo good.

  19. I think if you researched this a little you'd find that

    O.T. law says turtles are "unclean" and you have

    to wash yourself  before sunset if you've messed

    with one--that would tend to preclude eating them,

    I'd imagine.

    Also what the others said about not  having fins

    and scales would pertain.  

    I'm not against killing things if you're going to eat them,

    but for gosh sakes if you're going to kill a  turtle and

    eat it--do it humanely, as these creatures do have

    a considerable capacity  for form rudimentary

    relationships with human caregivers and can show

    remorse--for instance when my turtle accidentally

    gets my finger when I'm  feeding her  by hand she

    will be extremely careful and deliberate about taking

    subsequent tidbits  from my fingers thereafter--as

    if  she knows she's  done  something at which I

    might take offense.

    They live a long time and even if they have extremely

    small brains we must remember that certain birds

    have very small brains but have demonstrated the

    ability to work some math problems and to

    use human speech to communicate their own

    "thoughts"--not just mimicry.  Brain size within

    one species is probably a good indicator of

    intellectual ability but  some very small-brained

    animals demonstrate a remarkable ability to

    use whatever small brains they have.

    You wouldn't believe what wonderful mothers

    scorpions  can be!

    They  couldn't have a very large brain if their entire

    body  were their brains (and that might just be the


    For humane dispatch of a common snapping turtle

    I would recommend  blowing their brains out

    with a .22 pistol.  Then open 'em up and clean them

    quickly so as to stop the heart as soon as possible

    too.  Any large  water turtle that's legal to take treat

    that way--even though  they might be pugnacious  I've

    kept common snappers and  had them be pretty

    darned tame--I've seen people who hold them on

    their laps like you would  your cat.

    Absolutely do not eat alligator snappers--unless

    you've purchased one captive bred and raised

    for table.  They're protected  by law.  Some of  those

    have been found with old musket-balls embedded

    in their shells healed-over, indicating they can live

    to  very great ages.

    Biblically they're "unclean".  

    Point of information: not all turtles are "bottom feeders".

    The above-mentioned alligator snapper typically hunts living

    healthy fish it lures into it's mouth with  a false worm

    "lure" on it's tongue.

    Point of information for survivalists: you might want to

    pass up that fat yummy-looking gulf-coast box turtle

    because she might have just dined on some fungi which

    would have you searching for a replacement liver in a

    few days but which  don't seem to harm her.

    Same with any box-turtle.

  20. I study the Bible and never heard it was wrong to eat turtle.  It says it is more important what comes out of the mouth than what goes in it.

  21. why wouldnt it be?

  22. In the Old Testament, God did establish certain animals as "unclean" to eat. (This is why the Jews don't eat pork.) However, in the Book of Acts (the fifth book of the New Testament, which gives a lot of the early history of the church), God COMMANDED Peter to kill and eat those animals which He had previous said were "unclean", and then admonished Peter "You shall not call that unclean which I have called clean."

  23. yes.

    "Eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience, for, "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it."  If some unbeliever invites you to a meal and you want to go, eat whatever is put before you without raising questions of conscience. But if anyone says to you, "This has been offered in sacrifice," then do not eat it, both for the sake of the man who told you and for conscience' sake"

  24. As long as the turtle did not have a cloven hoof.  Or is it the other way around?

  25. there is probably some quote from the napkin jesus doodled on at the last supper or some other prominent religous document like that that says not to.


  27. Only if you "ate the shell" is it considered a "sin..."

  28. you can eat what ever you want its not agaisnt the bible or law if you wanted to you could eat a bird and no one can say anything to you its your freedom and it never ays that you cant eat a turtle in the bible but yea thats kinda wierd.

  29. the bible says and i quote  "they who eateth thin turtle. Shall suffer my wrath. Thin hair shile fall out. and thin feet well rot."

  30. NO. The Book of Leviticus, Chapter 11, Verses 9-10.

    9 These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters: whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat.

    10 And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you:

    Turtles have neither fins nor scales.

  31. why would you want to eat a turtle?

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