
According to the bible do I have to wear my best clothing or just pick anything out of my close.?

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  1. Villhelm, I thought, gave the best answer.  God does not value fashion or quality of clothing - and he is to whom and for whom any effort should be made.

    On the other hand, we *do* have to consider not offending others (fellow Christians).  Paul says that, even if you know it is OK (not immoral) to do things, you should not do them in the presence of your fellow Christians if they will be offended.  This by no means suggests that you need to wear your "Sunday best" **unless** that is expected in your congregation.

    SO, it is wholly a tradition, but there is scriptural support for a doctrine of following traditions in certain circumstances.  *I* would say, if the people of your congregation think less of you because of your clothing choice, it is no matter.  If people think less of your **religion** because of your clothing choice, then you need to change.


  2. I never really understood why some people want to give them self the hassle of dressing all nice and then going back home and changing; it's church God isn't going to care, he chose a slave to be the governor of Egypt, he chose a shepard to be king. Some may say that it is in respect to God, but I don't really know if that is true or not; it might be, I simply don't know. I think you should dress popularly and look properly as in hygeen and wearing aappreopriate things. But you should not feel hassled to wear suits and stuff, Who are you trying to look good for. God isn't looking at your clothes, but your heart.

    Aug 2: Why are you looking at other people in Church, when you should be paying attention to the word? I'm not trying to be rude or to forward in my presumptions. your comment just caught my eye.

    I usually go to church in my work clothes because I go to work afterwards.

  3. nooooooooooo the BIBLE says COME AS YOU ARE soooo if all you have is JEANS and a SHIRT  that is what you should wear soooo i say dress to impress your self not someone else...

  4. I think what you are referring to is the parable of the wedding of the King's son...

    In it one of the guests appeared at the wedding in his own clothes and refused the wedding garment the king provided thinking it was good enough.

    It's symbolic that if we refuse the "cover" from our sins that Christ provides we will be in the same state as the man described in the parable.

  5. Yes, you have to wear your absolute, best piece of clothing, even if it is dirty.  Anything less is a sin and blasphemy to god.

  6. There are verses with some sense of grooming, such as in fasting(ie: going without), we are to anoint our head, and wash our face, or with women, they are to be in modest apparel.  But both these do not target definitively how we are to dress.  However, there is One, namely Christ, who said exactly, Take no thought, What you shall eat, or What shall we drink, or Wherewithal shall we be clothed, in Matthew.6:25,31).  Plainly speaking, He was saying that, Life is more than clothing.  Therefore the wearing of the best clothes is tradition, but it was not brought with ill intent, rather it was, and is with the intent to honor God; although some use the occasion to make a fashion show out of it, which is an insult to God.  But when we look down toward one without means, we are looking down on Jesus; so therefore, no, we ought not evaluate according to the appearance, but determine for the cause of right.



  7. Why would an omnipotent being be offended at someone for wearing a particular set of clothes.  How ridiculous!! xD

    Anyway, what would such a being do to you, exactly, none of them have ever punished truly evil people to stop them being evil, so why would you expect anything different for yourself?

  8. wear what you want.  Don't let a book decide your life for you.

  9. You are supposed to be wearing what Adam and Eve were wearing. Remember because Adam and Eve covered up their body due to embarrassment, god realised they had eaten the fruit on the tree of knowledge and punish them with death.

  10. If you're talking about going to church, than yes you are supposed to wear your best for God. it is a sign of respect. I hate when i see people in church dressed like they are going to the beach or something.

  11. If you're dumb enough to go to church and wear your party duds, you're just asking to be fleeced !

  12. The only thing that comes into my head is that the Bible indicates that if anyone is contentious regarding these things, the churches of God have no such customs.

    In other words, go to church and don't make an issue out of these things.

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