
According to the information on the Olympic site, America has no official language. True?

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Largest city:

New York

Official languages:

No Official Language

National languages:

English 82.1%, Spanish 10.7%, other Indo-European 3.8%, Asian and Pacific island 2.7%, other 0.7% (2000 census)

Total area:

3,794,083 miles² (9,826,630 km²)

2008 Estimated population:

303,824,646 people




  1. What???

  2. True.  At the time when the constitution was signed there was a vote on the official language, and English beat German by only one vote.  The issue was deemed too contentious, so no official language was recorded.  Now with the huge rise in minorities, mainly Spanish speakers, it is seen as a racist issue and has been avoided on a federal level.  There are some states that have declared English as the official language.

  3. Yes we do it's Spanish lmfao

  4. Well we have two official languages,English and French,but ours was done long ago in Canada.Schools often also offer other languages,but you have to take the second language for at least a while in school.

  5. True. Congress occasionaly has had bills to make English the official language, but none have passed.

  6. Maybe not, but it would be great if something would cut down on the lengthy telephone automated business greetings for language preferences. Such a drag..

  7. It's true. The majority of the population speaks English as a native language but it hasn't been made the official language.

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