
According to websites, between 50 to 90% of women giving birth to their first child by Episiotomy. Is it true?

by Guest56108  |  earlier

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According to the website , Episiotomy is a procedure commonly performed on women in the United States. Between 50 and 90% of women giving birth to their first child undergo this procedure. Is it really!!! If yes, is it only just a side cutting, or complete deep cutting? How many of them can be completely cure? If a patient have 4th degree Episiotomy with more extra cutting than medio-lateral incision and stitching twice during the delivery, can she being healed completely? How many days needed for her to be completely cure? If any times she get any pressure in the affected area through slip in bathroom or any other reason, which increase the pain; then have it any bad affect or influence over the healing process?




  1. I had an episiotomy w/ my 1st. It was very small. It only required 3 stitches. (They fell out on their own.) I hear it beats the heck out of ripping. You couldn't even feel it. If it needs to be done, do it.

  2. i have never had an episiotomy  with any of my children yet. ( i have 3 with one on the way)

    However i tore really bad with my first because i refused the episitomy. It hurt very bad and took quite a few stitches inside and out. I could not go to the bathroom for a while because it did put to much pressure down there when i did try to go. It took a few weeks to heal and i have had no problems since.

  3. I didn't so I get to be part of the 10-50% that haven't had it done.

    I had 3 kids and with the first two I tore and the last one I didn't.

    I think it would be better to have it done than to tear.. that doesn't feel so good!

    They say when they do the episiotomy it heals faster than a tear so.. if you need it let them do it. Some woman just don't have a big enough area to squeeze the head out that they need a little help. It's natural!

    Good Luck and God Bless

  4. I had my first child with not one rip or tear. I think the best thing would ask them the nurse or doctor or midwife, which ever you use, to give you a perineal massage to decrease the risk of a tear. I know MANY many women who have had episiotomies & had lots of issues afterwards with healing, pain during intercourse. I would rather tear then be cut.

  5. I didn't have one and my doctor said I was "scratched" a little down below... but it didn't hurt that bad. Having an episiotomy is beneficial though, it outweighs tearing x5! A surgical cut has a HUGE success of healing.

  6. Well i can't answer all of you questions but i can say that i had one and i have healed fine, I'm honestly not sure if the pain i was feeling after was caused my the cut or my lovely hemorrhoids, but both cleared up with in a few weeks. I do think that Episiotomies are done very often, i think the feeling is a clean cut is safer than a tear, my MIL tore with all three of her babies and because all her kids were so close in age they said she never really healed from the tears between deliveries. also in my case it turned out that my son had his cord wrapped around his neck twice so after i learned that i was thankful the cut me as it helped get him out sooner.

    if you are concerned about your doctor performing one on you speak to them about it, it does seems some Drs perform them routinely find out if that is your Dr's practice and if it is something you would like to avoid include that in your birth plan and make sure your support person is aware how strongly you feel about it so they can help you out dealing with the medical staff when the time comes

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