
According to you, what shall I do for increasing global warming ? Because everybody is contributing towards it

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Nobody can stop global warming, unless and until every person in this world knows about it and help towards stoping it like a war.




  1. at least you can cottribute to reduce it . use  your mind

  2. Stay on your computer and keep  using electricity. Keep up with the throw away society. Only eat processed foods. Don't drink fresh water, and f**t alot. Kill off any plant life you come across. Don't walk anywhere-but go everywhere. Is that enough?

  3. The thing is allot of people choose not to believe it because we don't find the science convincing! also your asking for draconiam measures for something your not really sure is going to happen or not. All the doomsday predictions scientists have made before never came true so what makes you think this doomsday prediction will?

  4. ok, seriously, when i first read ur question, i was like, 'this is the first person who actually wants to INCREASE global warming?'

    i was gonna diss you off for sayin that, but after reading ur full discription i took a breather....

    newho, how about making posters and putting it up inur workplace, school or post secondary institutions?

    or hold fundraiser and bake sales, fairs, or presentations that woudl get ppl's attentions on the issue?

  5. Just continue being your normal every day obnoxious self.

  6. burn tons of coal, turn on all you lights, run you air conditioner all day and night (if you have one), and use a lot of harsh chemicals.

  7. Global warming is a VERY bad guide to how you should live your life.

  8. Hey everyone is spraying thier lysol cans out the windows, so I figure- hop on the band wagon. Besides global warming is our revenge for the titanic, polar bears are just unlucky, and besides they will always look perfectly content in the zoos.

  9. we may not stop it but we can maintain it's condition..

    we should stop/avoid using hairsprays and all those things with chlorofluorocarbon/CFC

    avoid using vehicles because it releases those smoke that contributes to the increasing effect of the global warming,,

  10. Rest assured, there ain't a thing you or I can do to affect the global climate.  The Sun is experiencing a level of solar activity unseen in over a thousand years (this period we're currently witnessing is commonly referred to as "The Modern Maximum").  Periods in history with similar activity were also extremely warm...go figure!  Science has yet to explain the connection, due in large part to the system in question being so complex.  

  11. Support Illegal logging

    Drive gas GAZZLING vehicles

    Eat more

    Don't let your lights go off

    f**t more

    Exhale more than inhale

    use more plastics

    be a litter bug

    dispose hazardous chemicals everywhere you want

    smoke cigarettes

    use non biodegradable materials that contribute more to environmenta degredation.

    Use aerosols can that destroy our ozone layer.

    That's all bud..

    **Good Luck**

  12. r u crazy!

    i understand u r feed up with increasing global warming

    but sudhir this is not fair

    if people like u who r really concerned quit , then the DAY is not far when no existince of life will be there on earth

    at least u can give it a fight from ur side, right!

    when u will start u may be alone but soon people who wll be with u in this war


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