
Account not showing on Credit Report?

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I signed up with Littlewoods catalogue last year, but never sent back the credit agreement slip - I then ran up £700 worth of debt with them and am in agreements to pay - however, Ive looked on my Credit Report and the account isnt showing as opened or anything like that at all - neither is my overdraft with my bank.

Is this an error on my report I should be thankful for?

Also, I have a default on a seperate account and when I ordered my credit score it didnt say that this will affect my overall credit score (it gives a list of whats affecting it) is this correct? Cheers




  1. I am not sure about the UK but in the US lenders are not required to report to the credit bureaus so you should consider yourself lucky.

  2. Ignore that spam from Connie - reported!!

    In the UK there are 3 credit reference agencies so your catalogue may not be used by the one that you looked at.

    You can order a report from each CRA for only £2.

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