
Account on computer acting really weird recently?

by  |  earlier

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Everytime I logg into my own personal account the internet takes FOREVER to load a page. BUT when i go on the guest account the internet is working fine like how it should! My account has never done this before until yesterday. Can someone please tell me what is going on? and how i can fix this?

THanks so much!!




  1. Your account might have all these little programs that start and run in the background that eat up a lot of memory and slow the machine down and the guest account dooesn't.

    Do you install a lot of programs?  Do you have a lot of toolbars in Internet Explorer?  Down by your clock in the lower right corner are there a lot of icons which indicate running programs?

  2. Your account could be infected with a virus. Get it scanned. Also use spyware/adware scanner like Ad-aware 2008. Adware and spyware can infect only 1 account and not others. Then again, it could infect all accounts. So do a virus scan and a spyware scan.

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