
Accounting/Finance jobs in Spain?

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Hi all,

Would anyone know what the current employment market is like in Spain at the moment for accounting and finance jobs? (in terms of career prospects and salary). I'm an Australian accounting student that is about to graduate, and have been offerred a 6-month internship in Spain. My language is basic-intermediate (I'm meant to due an immersion course in Barcelona for 1 month first). I'm torn between taking this offer in Spain, not knowing if I'll run into a dead end so to speak, or simply to head to London, as I've heard that thats the place to be in terms of accounting/finance jobs. I'm also intending to study towards my CPA when I do graduate...

Any advice would be greatly appreciated...






  1. Pity you don't allow e-mail.

    There are few properly qualified accountants in Spain.

    A properly qualified Spanish accountant has a degree in 'economicas' at a good university plus a couple or more years working with a big audit firm.

    Qualified accountants can get €30 to €50 an hour for temp work. (as of this year)

    Your internship must be with a big international firm. and must lead to being a Chartered Accountant or CPA.

    Jobs in Barcelona are very sought after.

    Barcelona is expensive but it is worth it.

    You will find the work very tiring at first but you will soon get going. Think about commuting and living down the coast for the beach life. You will find Catalan a pain in the *** at first because it messes up you Spanish. (I still think that an 'ardilla' is an 'esquirol' and 'un murcielago' is a 'rat volat' or something)

    Contact me if you want more info.

    GO. you will not regret it.

  2. Go for it i say, You never know where you will end up without trying, Spain is a more relaxed country than the Uk to live, the uk seems to be a very busy place with people stressing and worrying about too much where as though in spain you seem to take everything in your stride so to speak.

      If you take the offer learning the language is a great bonus, There are plenty of english speaking ex pats in the del sol and Costa Blanca who are self employed and require accountants etc, I am sure there would be plenty of work in these areas, Use the offer to your advantage for the experiance in spanish accountancy and the language and you are well on your way.

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