
Accourding to the bible?

by  |  earlier

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accouding to those who take the bible liturally,life bagan 10,000 years ago. so, from two people our population has increased to what it is today. using that same math and taking into consideration todays population, how many people will there be on earth in another 10,000 years




  1. Probably about a googel (biggest number) if it keeps increaing at that rate! Dont actually know - I'm not a maths boffin- sorry.

  2. it is impossible to calculate. you have to consider so many factors! first, birth and death rate, which is influenced by possibilities of a pandemic, food shortage etc. Then, if u take the Bible so literally, God may even come down to Earth (if mankind has become so atrocious) and ppl will have to face judgement. Population may even be ZERO! whoa..

  3. You are assuming the birth rate will remain constant as well as the death rate.  Today, there are approximately 7 billion people on earth.  There is debate about how many people the earth can sustain.  The earth's population should peak within a hundred years. 10,000 years from now, the population could very well be back to two people.

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