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Has anyone ever bought anything from Accu-stats? I'm always trying to find videos of the old-time players and Accu-stats is supposed to be such a great resource. People are always referring me there, like it's the Library of Congress for pool videos. To tell the truth, I checked it out and their selection is hardly what I would call impressive. They have one video featuring Willie Mosconi and it's just an exhibition match with Jimmy Caras about 2 years before he died. The only decent old video they have is the '66 Crane Vs. Balsis match which I already have. They only have about a half dozen straight pool videos and I don't remember any of them being older than 1992. Am I missing the joke here? M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.




  1. I think the appeal of Accu-Stats is that you do have access to a wide range of pro matches, not necessarily great matches but great players, plus you get the "Accu-Stats": balls pocketed, balls missed, safety errors, etc. and an overall 'score' or average (.923, e.g., 1 being perfect). It's kind of interesting. The commentary usually isn't great, but it sure beats ESPN's dumb & dumber (Mitch & Ewa-- "Ohh...he didn't want to scratch there"). It's fun to listen to Grady Matthews try to stump his fellow commentators  with big words ("Earl is...something something, his affinity for pontificating notwithstanding"). Plus, you get more of a feel of what the actual tournaments are like...You'll be watching Efren and someone else playing, and you'll see Earl in the background playing at another table, whereas on ESPN, it all feels very...unpoollike, you know? Anyway, you'll probably enjoy watching the matches, even if they're not exactly what you were hoping for :)


    p.s. I haven't looked into any of the older matches, but I'm actually surprised they have any at all...I thought all their videos were taped by them, for them.

  2. No joke shooter, they don't really have a great selection.I ordered a copy of the book''Willies Game'' from them 5 or 6 years back and when I opened it up some of the pages were stained. Looked like something was spilled on it or something. I sent it back to them and they sent me a new copy of the book and a free video of mike Sigel and Larry Liscotti playing nine ball and they paid for all of the shipping. I thought that was pretty cool of them to do that. I think Lea is right about most of their videos being made by them for them.

  3. Not really an naswer but try Cue-Tv havent clicked it for awhile but some good old stuff if you havent already
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