
Accusing teachers of being to mean to our children (In reference to incident in Tx)?

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So I heard about this lady sending a tape recorder in her kids booksack to school to see what the teacher was doing while no other adults were around. I admit it was horrible what that teacher said, However I can't help but feel sorry for teachers. Parents are so quick to rush in and say "stop picking on my baby" When most of their time their child is a complete demon from the pits of h**l. This annoys me so much on so many levels why don't people discipline their children? Then when their kid is a teenager and ends up in jail for smokeing pot they just "cannot believe" It's like "HELLO" if you would have actually been a parent and discipline your child they wouldnt be so BAD! So I guess my question is "am I the only person dumbfounded by this?




  1. Since you copy & pasted your question, I'm going to copy & paste my answer here too.

    I don't disagree that many kids today aren't behaving like they should and fault pretty much lies with the parents. BUT....

    If you'd of read the entire story you would realize that the parents were suspicious because their child doesn't act like the school was saying she does and the school wasn't willing to discuss the matter further with the parents.

    I think it shows the parents were right in this case and that teacher should be fired and never allowed to work with young children again. There is absolutely no excuse, NO MATTER WHAT to EVER talk to a child that way. I don't give a c**p what that child is doing, it is NEVER okay to call them stupid.

    If a child is misbehaving the teacher needs to address that with the parents and give them a shot at fixing it. If I ever found out a teacher (of all people) called my child stupid I'd have their head on a silver platter.

    Furthermore, teachers that choose to be teachers today have to obviously know what they are up against because discipline has all but been removed from schools. (which I don't agree with but it's the way it is)

    And btw...the girl was FOUR!!!!!!!


    Here is a link to the story.

    Unfortunately the video with this story is not as long as the one I saw on ABC's website nor is it as detailed.

  2. I had to write an email to my child's math tutor at school as she was making false accusations against my daughter concerning her flashcards study habits.  She did not allow my daughter to defend herself and that is unacceptable in my eyes.  I will stand up for my children in these situations as i KNOW they are well behaved and not "complete demons from the pits of h**l."

  3. People believe what they want to believe.  Some father called Dr Laura a couple years ago about a video he secretly made of his teenagers while he was away.  He insisted everyone in town thinks they're little angels, but on the video they're smoking, drinking, swearing, making out, stealing his money, etc.  He wanted to just throw them out of the house. My reaction was that if he hadn't had his head in the sand (or up his butt), he'd have known long ago what was going on -- and I'd bet the townsfolk know very well what his kids are like.

    It's hard to open the paper these days without a story about some young hellion terrorizing students on a bus and threatening the driver -- and the mother wanting to sue the school!

    However, not everyone who earns a teaching certificate and a college diploma should be trusted around kids.  My stepson's English teacher in h.s. called him stupid and insisted he'd never amount to anything (there was a classroom full of witnesses). Another hit him in the back of the head.  In a school where I taught once, the assistant principal told one of my at-risk kids that he was probably the reason his parents had split up!

    We've chased out all the good teachers with our paranoid witch hunts.  And we've used tenure as a yardstick instead of quality for rewarding the ones that are left.

  4. Got a link for this story? Sounds interesting, but I didn't hear anything about it.

  5. Teachers shouldn't do anything in the classroom that they wouldn't want video taped, or that they wouldn't want their students' parents to see.

    I say that as someone who is trying to go into teaching as a profression.

    I also agree that a lot of parents really need to teach their kids some manners.

  6. then dont be a teacher!-- demons from the pits of h**l? well it takes one to know one!

  7. Yes, watch the entire report, they weren't trying to find out what the teacher was doing while they were alone, the poor little girl had been suspended 4 times by this demon teacher who should have been fired immediately. This poor little girl was only 4 or 5 years old which means that she was probably in a head start or K, which means that no child in either one of those grades deserves to be suspended, they are still just babies at that age, and most that act out at that age have good reason to. In this case, the reason would be the witch of a teacher they had. Do I feel bad for teachers, heck no, it is their job to be as much of a good role model to our children as we as parents are. I mean they spend 7 or 8 hours a day with our kids, and if you are any kind of a parent, you should have good communication skills with your childs teacher and if your teacher isn't calling you to let you know about something that worries them so that we can fix the problem if it's starting at home, then how are we supposed to know. Most kids act very different at school then they do at home. Obviously you are not a parent yet, and I hope that you wait a very long time before becoming one, with a question like this. Trust me I was strongly disciplined as a child, but still acted out as a teen and did things that I knew were wrong and stupid. It's called part of growing up. Just wait many, many years before having babies and I'm sure that you too will come around and pull your head out of the ground.

  8. When the teacher released a statement from her lawyer, the lawyer said that the teacher was acting that way because she was on medication from a recent hospital stay. Complete bullshi_, she was either smoking crack or she is just a 30 year veteran hag bitc-h as-s bitc-h who is underpaid and wishes she chose a different career path, I'm sure if they ask the other kids they would all say that she has acted like that since day one.

    Can you describe to me what qualifies as a child being a "complete demon from the pits of h**l"? A child who does not wear a chain with Christ on it around their neck? Or any child that wasn't expelled from your own body?

  9. They didn't go into details as to why she was suspended.  In my Title 1 school, which is very low socioeconomic, with a mobility rate of 40 percent, the only reason why children of that age are suspended is if they did something to violate the severe clause:  acts of violence on others, profanity or indecency....REALLY severe things.  

    A teacher doesn't suspend.  A committee does and they have to follow district policy.

    As a teacher, I felt that teacher was completely in the wrong to say the things she did.  It hurt to hear someone talk that way to children.  However, if that little girl is getting suspended all the time, it has to be for something.  The teacher's atittude does contribute to the classroom environment, so her behavior could be affecting the students....

  10. How about I come to your house and call your kids stupid.  I mean they're YOUR kids so it's probably true anyways, right?

  11. There are definitely kids whose parents don't discipline them - at all.  There are also definitely those who's parents do - and those children have the right to protection from teachers who are as unprofessional and abusive as the one in TX sounds.

    You can't lump all children/parents into one big, messy, undisciplined group any more than you can say that all teachers are the same.

    Personally, if someone spoke to one of my children like that when they were that young I'd want them fired.

  12. i think i would do it for a daycare to see how they are treated at a day care after working in one as a helper and seeing what goes on, but school? you expect your kid to behave. i remember kids when i was in school and i would have a hard time keeping things in. althought the teacher shouldnt have gone off, maybe it was just a breaking point?

  13. I understand and agree. Problem is, the gov is cracking down and taking away parents' rights to discipline their children. You can get your children taken away for spanking them. I mean, for god's sake. A spanking? Don't just blame the parents either - it's society.

  14. no i totally agree with you but there are so many of this new generation that don't care and dont' care what their children are doing and alot of them are smoking, dopping and other stuff gangs is big on the agenda also. but they are tolerating this mess and i say like you let us have a nother go with them they will stop this mess quick take care.

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