
Ace volleyball tryouts?

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i have my high school volleyball tryouts this afternoon. I'm pretty good, i love the game, and only have some trouble with spiking the ball because im only 5'2. any tips to make this a great ryout and make the coach notice and like me?




  1. just try your best, and have fun. :)

    i learned a technique for spiking from my vball coach.

    step forward about two times, and swing your arms back. when you think it's the right time to hit, jump to hit it and hit as hard as you can. also, when you're hitting, be sure to keep one of your arms pointed to the volleyball. (for example, your left arm) the other arm (ex. right arm) arched back. so if you follow through with the arm that's arched, you'll probably have a great spike.

    ^ ^

    i'm not sure if that made sense, but good luck ~

  2. For spiking the ball, the coaches always told me to start my approach (the 3 or 4 steps before hitting [left right left or right left right left and the last two steps are always fast] im sure you already know this but im just saying it just in case!) he told me to start it when the ball was at its highest point.

    , - ' - , that isn't  a very good diagram but you would start your approach when ball is where the apostrophe is. If you have a tough time hitting then you could try being a setter. And if you have a tought time with that (since some setters also have to hit in a 6-2 rotation but if you have a different rotation you should be fine) you could always ask your coach if you could be a libero or defensive specialist and only play back row. Also if you would like the coaches to notice you be very supportive and loud! if someone  messes up say "good try" or if they do something good then say "great job" or something like that. And ALWAYS call the ball, coaches love it! and also don't be afraid to dive for the ball. Good luck at tryouts!

  3. have lots of spirit and look like youre having lots of fun!

    you cant be on the team if you dont love volleyball.

    so have a good time and never be afraid to go for the ball.

    if youre not afraid to dive ito the ground to save a ball, that will impress the coaches.

    good luck :)

  4. Well, since your height, you will most likely not ever play on the net (front row), unless you have a good and huge vertical jump. Work on your passing skills, because you will probably be a back row player (im libero, and short also). But also keep practicing your hits.

    Coaches look for in a player:

    - A killer Serve

    - Attitude

    - Ability to dig and dive

    - Controlled Pass and set

    - Strong hits (they don't expect this to be good or perfect, but you have practices to work on that)

    - Attitude

    - Knowing the rules

    - Know how to do the Bump, Set, Hit technique.

    Good luck

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