
Acetaminophen overdose?

by Guest31835  |  earlier

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a little over a year ago, I had taken over 15 grams of acetaminophen. I threw up about 3 times that night, but then didn't feel anything different afterwards. are there going to be any long term effects on my body?




  1. It would be wise to have your liver evaluated (by a simple blood test to measure your levels of liver enzymes).  Acetaminophen overdoses cause liver damage.

    Best wishes and good luck.

  2. I m not good about measurements.....I have another form of this drug and can take 1-2 (and it says these are 5/325 mg)    every 4-6 hours....I can but don't. I rather use alternative meds.

    Some of these drugs do make one throw up. I can not eat when taking many of these pharmaceutical drugs I have without  making sure the porcelain god is within view.

    This is a controlled substance. Not  a alternative medicine.....

    Long term effects, well sure this is why you need to be under  a doctors care when using it (blood work etc.). These drugs are very hard on the liver and I feel other internal organs.....damage your liver and have all sorts of problems. Have had prescriptions for this kind of c**p for more then half my life, sorry to say.....

  3. No,your body has since flushed it out. I would not do that again if I were you. That drug is a pain killer like Tylenol. The drugs that have long term side effects are ones that are prescribed or restricted in purchase. I say you will be fine.

  4. You are well past any toxic effects of paracetamol if the ingestion was that far back. Not to worry.

  5. you can't overdose on acet. Your body rejects it before you would have the chance to overdose no matter how much you take. The only reason why people have symptoms like an overdose is if they have a pre-existing condition. Like kidney problems and such. So if you were dehydrated before or if anything you ingested thinned your blood that could have caused the vomiting. And as far as any long term affects on your body there probably won't be any because it happened one time...

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