
Achilles Tendinitis - 24/7 pain for 9 months straight! what can I do?

by Guest44799  |  earlier

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Ok so I was diagnosed with achilles tendinitis in december, and the doctors thought it was weird I have it since I am not an athlete and I am only 19 (they said most people don't get it like me until their like 40's) It causes me constant pain, I have stabbing pain, burning sensations, and just aching in the inner and outer sides of my ankle all the time, no exceptions. I can barely walk cause of it, it hurts to drive, and I can't sleep because it hurts. I have tried EVERYTHING to get it to go away. I have worn a cast for 2 months, I did physio, I got ART treatments, I wear orthotics, I ice it daily, I did ultrasound treatments, and I just finished a series of super expensive laser treatments that did nothing and I get no relief from painkillers, they don't work on me. It is just really starting to mess with my head and I break down crying like every day because it hurts all the time! I am supposed to be going to college in sept but I actually think I might not be able to go because I can't drive there nor can I walk to my classes! I am going to see a surgeon in sept, has anyone had surgery on this and did it help? what other things can I do to get some relief? Please, if you have fixed your tendinitis tell me how you did it.




  1. you need a stronger painkiller...

  2. I'm in the same boat as you.  I've had very similar problems with both of my achilles tendons for over a year and a half.  I can't walk very well at all and never even do things like go to the grocery store because it will make them hurt.  I've tried most of your treatments except lasers, ART, and casting.  

    I too know that mental anguish that you experience from being held back from life and not a day goes by when I don't spend a good portion of that day dreaming about having my old abilities back and If I could have my choice of 10 million dollars or have my achilles back in perfect shape, I wouldn't have to think to long before I would pick the achilles.

    Unfortunately I don't have an answer for you because I'm looking for that answer myself.  I think that we should keep in touch to let each other know if we ever find a solution to this problem.  I'm scheduled to see a podiatrist on Sept. 2 and I'll let you know what I hear from him.  I've already seen a podiatrist 2 times already and this time I'm looking for different answers.  I would also be very interested in hearing what your surgeon says and if he thinks that surgery would help.

    I can recommend a couple supplements though, you should try vitamin C with bioflavonoids.  Vitamin C is the vitamin that plays the most crucial role in tendon regeneration and collagen production.  Your body makes collagen and it is what it uses to repair tendons and replace tissue.  Also, you could try fish oil capsules because they are supposed to reduce inflammation in the body.  Another one you could try is Arnica.  it is a topical gel that is supposed to help reduce inflammation as well.    

    My email is, let me know if you'd like to keep in touch and I'm wishing you the best of luck!  

    Also, my achilles are very inflexible from not being able to stretch them due to them being weak for so long.  When I try to stretch them, I can't stretch very hard or far or it will do more damage.  I use 12mm heel lifts to raise my heel up far enough to take enough strain off of the tight and fragile achilles' so that I can walk around.  I can get around when I need to but too much and they'll start to hurt.  I walk with my feet pointed out 45 degrees to the side and with a bit of a waddling motion so that I don't have to stretch the tendons when I take a step.

    How is your achilles as far as being flexible?  Can you stretch it far or hard without hurting it?  Hope to hear from you.

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