
Acid (LSD) hangover?

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ohkay, i took acid. didnt like it. BAD TRIP. ended up telling my mom i was on acid. it was not goood.

but i took one tab about 6 hours ago. how much longer until its completely gone? will i noticeably feel better by tommorrow? (:

any other info?




  1. Live and learn. You lucky it was a bad trip and you didn't like it. People that like something to much become addicted.

  2. I highly doubt what you took was acid. Real LSD has been gone for years.

  3. You took a tab 6 hours ago and you're not still tripping? It'll probably be a pretty easy comedown then, but it can stay with you for up to 11 hours. You may have trouble sleeping, and the best way I know of to deal with that is drinking alcohol (if you're able to). Don't neglect proper nutrition when you get your appetite back.

  4. There is no acid. Acid is over. There hasn't been acid for many years. I have no idea what they're peddling now, but it's not acid. Making acid was a labor of love, difficult, slow and expensive. Rosen and Owlsley and probably a few others are long gone.

  5. Wow why the heck is everybody saying that acid doesn't exist anymore? What the frig are you all talking about?? It's INEXPENSIVE to make, and it truly is alternative medicine, just as this question was put into that category. The only ones who get upset or argue are the ones who have never taken this beautiful medicine.

    Now, onto the question. I'd suggest that you try acid one more time someday in the future, when you are ready. When you have nothing in the day that you have to do, no one to see, and nothing and nobody to bother you, you could explore nature, that's the best way to be solitary and have a really meaningful experience, although there are different ways for everybody to have a good time, but basically anything you do will be enjoyable. If you aren't tripping very much, it was probably really bad acid, because you should be seeing the trees moving strangely and flickers of light, at the very least, sometimes things turn into other things though, like a white car may suddely look like a police car and then suddenly not, stuff like that, it's really interesting to experience mind tricks like that. Anyways, it should probably last you about 6 more hours at most. Acid usually lasts between 10-12 hours, though I have had one that lasted almost 20! So it is always random, just be careful what you do. Go trip out on some stuff while you still can, try to turn your trip around. It's pretty easy, just mess around with stuff. Being online and reading interesting things or looking at illusions is really fun especially. You'll notice a difference tomorrow in your perception of reality, especially if you come across a breakthrough about something while you're on your trip. The world will just seem a bit different until eventually everything will be back to normal if not by tomorrow, then by the next day things will be exactly the way they were yesterday in terms of how you will feel. You will probably feel Godly tomorrow though let me tell you that lol, you can gain a wealth of knowledge during your experience. Just do what you can and enjoy yourself the best you can. Your hands should be shaking a lot right now though, just remember that anything strange happening to your body is a temporary result of taking the LSD, and there is no reason to be scared, and don't be scared that you will lose your mind or anything, because that will not happen despite what people say. I keep hearing people say "I know a person who did acid and never came back from their trip and now they're in a psycho ward" I hear that one almost every frigging day I see a question about acid. It's ridiculous, don't believe that garbage, that has never happened to anybody before and never can. It's a temporary state of mind that can enlighten you when you are on a trip, it's not a road to h**l. Just keep all of this in mind and you will be just fine. I'd suggest trying to trip again someday when things are better, and be happy about it. Not everybody will get to, or will want to experience LSD. You're one of the lucky few. Enjoy yourself!

  6. you're supposed to smoke weed on the comedown.  its supposed to smoothen things out and alleviate headaches, which is what you seem to have.  ive heard of ppl taking one tab and having a 4 hour trip with a 24 hour comedown.  the comedown is wierd.  you may not feel better by tomorrow, just get plenty of sleep and smoke bud if you have it, thats supposed to help a lot.
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