
Acid Reflux Diets - Home Diets To Keep Acid Reflux At Bay?

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Just looking for 3-4 easy diet tips to prevent or treat acid reflux naturally. Information websites would also be helpful.




  1. 1. Get yourself diets rich in complex carbohydrates (breads, rice and pasta). They fix the excess acid in your stomach and give you an easy feeling.

    2. Rid yourself of high-fat foods. These tend to stay in the stomach longer, causing it to produce more acid for digestion.

    3. Chew your foods well and don't rush on eating. 20 minutes for each meal is cool. Extract all the nutrients you can get from your diets.

    4. Make sure to keep yourself in a straight position during and after eating, for least 45 minutes.

  2. First off you need to find the causative agent which more than likely is something you're eating.  You may have an allergy/sensitivity to a particular food.  The top food causes of allergies are: dairy (milk, cheese), wheat (gluten), eggs, and nuts.  I recommend making a 7-day food diary where you keep track of what foods you are eating and your subsequent symptoms.  Which foods are likely the causative agents from your diary?  Then do an elimination diet, eliminating the prime suspect form your diet for at least 3 weeks.  Then see if your symptoms improve.  If not, then try the second suspected food.  Good luck.  

  3. To reduce symptoms of GERD (acid reflux), avoid or limit intake of:

        coffee, colas, spices, nuts, chocolate, tomatoes and its sauces, alcohol, onions.citrus fruits and juices.   Individual triggers vary with individuals.

    ALWAYS drink a full glass of water when taking oral medication.

    NEVER lie down within 3 hours of last food intake.

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