
Acid anyone?

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has anyone done acid?? i am thinking of trying it this weekend i have done pretty much everything else aprt from this!!!!




  1. all i can say is dont but if you are then atleast be around friends and makesure everyone your around is on acid also these are some of the things that will make you have a good trip also if you want you trip to be higher drink or eat viteman c and if you feel like your not having agood time drink whole milk and if you have any more Qs let me know.... happy trails to you

  2. Don't bother. A little drop is boring and loads is always too much. 13 years and i still get flashbacks.

  3. No, I haven't.

    I avoided drugs, because as a teen I saw what they did to my brothers.

    People think I have the brains in our family because I'm smart. I know otherwise.

    Drugs are a substitute for an experience it's possible to attain in a natural state, one that won't haunt you at the moment of death - which for all life forms grows nearer by the moment, regardless of daily choices.

    That's what you might think about. At the end of the day, will doing acid allow you to Impress Yourself?

  4. No thanks.  Never have, never will.  Why hurt your body like that??

  5. Go ahead if you want to end up like Ozzy Osbourne.

    Naive people just don't know how to learn from other peoples mistakes.Such a shame.

    It kills your brain cells and from the looks of it, you don't need to lose anymore!

  6. Getting stabbed in the leg wont kill you so i guess that makes you stronger too, right?

  7. Aceeeeeeed! *** *** *** aceeeeeeed!

  8. Haha, there is no health risk with it. It's just fun. Give it a shot. But know that there are always consequences for stupid decisions, even when you are on drugs!

  9. Can be a lot of fun, can be a very meaningful experience or it can scare the sh*t outta ya. I wouldn't recommend everyone does it, but if you have previous, then go on. You really need to be in the right state of mind before you take it, with a group of people you trust and in a safe environment, as anything can happen...but dont have high (get it?) expectations of what will happen as it is always a surprise and nothing like you thought it would be. Also the next day you will feel brilliant, like you have had the best sleep ever, and you have lots of trippy dreams to look forward to

    And to the girl who said "why hurt your body like that"...come back when you know what you are talking about, acid does not harm the body. Whats inside the mind of the user is what does the harm, acid only brings it out...possitive thoughts lead to possitive reactions, and the same goes for negative

  10. It's great. (Shrooms are better) I've done it alot and I love it. Just becareful who you get it from and who you tell. I think the going rat is about 7-10 per hit. Years that is. I used to trip by myself and it was most excellant!!!!

  11. Why wud u want to risk your health?

  12. i've done it before and to be honest i think its the **** but to do it you have to be in the right mind set and be around the right people.  when getting it though you might want to ask the person if it is dirty or not because if it is it can cause your back to hurt really bad because when the acid is dirty it is then stored in your spin. doesnt ruin the trip but does kinds suck.  but if you dont want to go all the way you can try morning glory seeds.  they sell them at grocery stores.  if you have never done acid it will give you the same effects but you can only eat those once.

  13. it can be very very potent. you can lose track of who you are and often not recognise people who you know. the best way to avoid having a headf*ck is to not accept or reject anything. just let it flow and flow with it.

    make sure you are somewere safe with people who you trust. it's helpful to have a trustworthy person around who is not on acid and can reassure you.

    the more natural and quiet your surroundings are, (countryside etc) the less likely you will be to have a bad time. acid takes 30 mins-2hours to take effect and the height of it lasts 4-6 hours then you will come down very slowly. the whole experience will take up 24 hours or so.

  14. Yes, email me

  15. if u with right ppl then u will have a good time. make sure the ppl u do it with has done it b4 so they know wat to expect. be safe when doing this stuff. have a positive state of mind. if you not in a good mood, dont even think about touching it. do it when ur  in a good mood.  hope this helps and if u doing it rite ur gonna have a blast! have fun, party hard, but more importantly party safe!
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