
Acknowleding the Armenian Genocide?

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22 countries worldwide have acknowledged the Armenian Genocide.

40 American states have acknowledged the Armenian Genocide.

I want the United States to finally, as well as PROPERLY, acknowledge the genocide.

However, that's an extremely hard task to accomplish, but it won't stop me from trying.

The state in which I live in, Alabama, is NOT one of the 40 US States to have acknowledged the Armenian Genocide. So, I'd like to atleast get Alabama to acknowledge it.

I've made a speech on this subject that I happened to have recorded(audio/video-the speech was for my class). We have had teachers from India in our school observing how we(Americans) are within school. I'm going to give them a copy of this tape to show to their students (they showed us a copy of their students debating, so I videotaped my speech within class to give to them).

I will also put the video of my speech online (youtube). I think I should send a copy of the speech to state officials.





  1. Decode this lyrics " Another day in paradise"

    Understanding what the Liberation of Freedom for the good of mankind from after world war two were all about.

    Exodus 20.1-2

    Leviticus 26.13

    Ever wonder who were the grave digger of the past?

    Look at the grave digger with living examples in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Luke 9.60

    Look in the real world.

    Ever wonder how the loss of peace on earth goodwill to men were created.

    Luke 9.55-56

    What do you think?

  2. I agree with you, that would be good to speech online, if you need info on what to do with it, contact the Armenian National Assembly of America


    email them or call

  3. I agree with you. You need to get as many people in that state to call/email their congressmen and make enough noise, to let them know you care about this topic, and that their election depends on what they do based on that. BTW

    Are you Armenian? I couldnt tell from your name.

    Thanks for the support!

  4. my friend this is how it is going to work they are going to hold on to that 106 resolution,and they are going watch Turkeys every move the second they go in wrong direction then they will RECOGNIZE the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE.

    that is all they been waiting for all this years.

    everything has to do with GEOPOLITIC nothing else matter

  5. If there is an Armenian community in Alabama, get them mobilised in support of your campaign.  Politicians will do things if, and unfortunately usually only if, they think there are votes in it.  If your local politicians can be persuaded that the Armenian vote is worth going after, they will go after it.

    If, however, there is no Armenian community, then you have to pitch it as something that's part of the essence of American respect for freedom, etc.  That will probably be even harder, as the USA does not, as far as I know, recognise any anti-genocide statutes and has systematically blocked any such thing whenever it arises in the UN, partly because it wants the UN to be generally powerless but mostly because if genocide were a recognised international crime, the US would be more or less obliged by its own rhetoric to go after anybody who commits it.  

    Instead, the US government, like most western governments, pretends that any specific example of genocide wasn't really genocide, etc.  After all, after WW2 the USA didn't exactly welcome Jewish refugees with open arms.  Quite the opposite, in fact, and the n***s' attempted extermination of the Jews is simply the most famous example of genocide within living memory.

    Good luck with your campaign.  It's a righteous cause, since the Turks still refuse to admit the Armenian genocide.  But I fear that you have a long hard struggle ahead.

  6. The ottoman empire does not exist anymore so, whats the point? Thats my thoughts.

  7. You would think this is a simple situation based on principle, acknowledge the wrongdoing. Unfortunately, it is not. When a country recognizes a past genocide, blame is tagged to some entity, as it should be. In this case, who do we blame? Do we blame the Ottoman government that no longer exists? Same thing with Russia. Do we officially recognize the 1791 persecution of over 100,000 Crimean Tartars by Russia under the Czar system?

    In the case of the United States, the same system of government, under the same doctrine, was in place during slavery and the slaughter of the native american tribes. So, it's easier to officially acknowledge slavery and the indian genocide, because these occured under the same government and doctrine. Not so easy with the armenian genocide. Whenever this is officially acknowledged, there there will probably be an implication of responsibility to a turkish government that was not in existence. And even if there is not, Turkey, which is a valuable ally, will probably take it that way. You also travel down the slippery slope of holding modern day ethnic turks responsible for the actions of their ancestors. Unlike the world holding the n**i party responsible at Nurenburg directly after the murder of 6 million jews, this situation is messier because acknowedgement is occuring when the responsible party no longer exists.

    With that said, I feel the US should officially recognize this genocide from a historical context and make it clear that those responsible have nothing to do with modern day Turkey. If the turks still object, then too bad.

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