
Acne Free, Clean and Clear, Proactive. Which one works the best and why?

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Yeah, I need help cuz first day of school is coming!




  1. If your acne is really bad then Proactive is good, I liked it.  The biggest thing is making sure that you make it a habit and wash every morning and night.  Don't touch your face.  Now that my acne has calmed down I use Clean and Clear Morning glow and I love it.  But the do have a new acne advance line that I haven't tried but you might want to.  

  2. clean and clear acne system is the best and it wOrks  

  3. proactive works good, but, its too expensive and your ksin gets 'addicted' to it. so, i wouldnt recommend it.

    acne free i haven;t ever used, by my friend buys it, and she says its okay.

    clean & clear is the current brand i use now. and, it works really great. just wash your face with it once when you wake up, and before you o to bed.

    good luck (:

  4. Personally, I use Clean and Clear and it works quite well.  

  5. i have used all of those.

    if i had to choose which one worked the best i would

    pick acne free.

    clean and clear doesnt work to well,

    and tried my face at horribly.

    and proactive is alright.

    but didnt do much of an affect.

  6. I used to have horrible acne, but for about a year i've been using Acne Free, and it has cleared up my entire face.

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